Collaboration and co-production with Black, Asian and minority ethnic students: working in partnership with our students to inform and deliver access and participation practice

Lloyd, Heather and Kaur, Reena (2021) Collaboration and co-production with Black, Asian and minority ethnic students: working in partnership with our students to inform and deliver access and participation practice. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 23 (3). pp. 108-123. doi:10.5456/wpll.23.3.108

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In recent years, the topic of UK-domiciled undergraduate students from Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds not accessing, succeeding and progressing as well as their White peers in Higher Education (HE) has gained increased policy and media attention. Institutions are required to address gaps amongst student groups that are underrepresented within HE, including students from BAME backgrounds, through their Office for Students' (OfS) regulated Access and Participation Plan (APP). This paper offers specific examples of how Edge Hill University, a university in North West England, has begun to approach this work in the new regulatory environment. APPs now place an increased emphasis upon research informed practice, student engagement, consultation, and evaluation. This innovative practice article provides a detailed example of genuine collaboration and coproduction with students to develop and deliver APP work, and extends an earlier presentation delivered at the March 2021 Open University Access Participation and Success International Biennial Conference. In this article, the authors outline the development of a new Diversity Access Programme and a BAME Student Advisory Panel. The paper offers a reflective account of how APP leads, Widening Participation (WP) practitioners, evaluators and students can work together effectively in partnership to design and deliver WP initiatives.

Item Type: Article
Article Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Access and Participation; Co-Production; Collaboration; Ethnicity; Student Voice; Widening Participation
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB2300 Higher Education
Depositing User: Anne Pengelly
Date Deposited: 11 Jan 2022 11:37
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2025 14:30

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