Ai-Ling, Lai, Dermody, Janine ORCID: and Hanmer-Lloyd, Stuart
An Existential Analysis of Consumers as "Incarnated Beings": A Merleau-Pontyian Perspective.
European Advances in Consumer Research, 8.
pp. 381-389.
Al Seyab, Rihab ORCID: and Cao, Y
Differential recurrent neural network based predictive control.
Differential recurrent neural network based predictive control, 21.
pp. 1239-1244.
Al-Seyab, Rihab ORCID: and Cao, Y
Nonlinear system identification for predictive control using
continuous time recurrent neural networks and automatic differentiation.
Nonlinear system identification for predictive control using continuous time recurrent neural networks and automatic differentiation, 18 (6).
pp. 568-581.
Allen-Collinson, Jacquelyn and Hockey, John C ORCID:
Autoethnography as ‘valid’ methodology? A Study of disrupted identity narratives.
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 3 (6).
pp. 209-217.
Atan, D, Foy, C and Scanlon, Peter H ORCID:
Reply to ‘Evaluation of the effect of JPEG and JPEG2000 image compression on the detection of diabetic retinopathy’.
Eye, 22 (3).
p. 471.
Barber, Keith E, Chambers, Frank M ORCID: and Maddy, Darrel
Late Holocene climatic history of northern Germany and Denmark: peat macrofossil investigations at Dosenmoor, Schleswig-Holstein, and Svanemose, Jutland.
Boreas, 33 (2).
pp. 132-144.
Bates, Simon, Hardy, Judy, Hill, Jon and McKain, David (2008) How Design of Online Learning Materials can Accommodate the Heterogeneity in Student Abilities, Aptitudes and Aspirations. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2). pp. 3-25.
Beaman, Jim and Dawson, Anne (2008) Asking questions: interviewing for broadcast news. In: Broadcast Journalism, A critical introduction. Routledge, pp. 95-104. ISBN 978-0415441551
Becker, Tim, Ender, Manuela, Mitschele, Andreas and Seese, Detlef (2008) Wege zur Integration von Adressrisiken in die strategische Asset Allocation Ways of integrating counterpart risk in the strategic asset allocation. Risiko Manager, 11. pp. 14-20.
Becker, Tim, Ender, Manuela, Mitschele, Andreas and Seese, Detlef (2008) Wege zur Integration von Adressrisiken in die strategische Asset Allocation Ways of integrating counterpart risk in the strategic asset allocation (part II). Risiko Manager, 12. pp. 8-14.
Benson, Vladlena (2008) Unlocking the Potential of Wireless Learning. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2). pp. 42-56.
Biggs, David M and Sagheb-Tehrani, Mehdi (2008) Providing developmental feedback to individuals from different ethnic minority groups using expert systems. Expert Systems, 25 (2). pp. 87-97. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0394.2008.00440.x
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Artist's photobook 'Landscapes 2001 - 2003' by Richard Billingham, Published by Dewi Lewis, published 2008.
Dewi Lewis, London.
ISBN 978-1904587385
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Co Curator / Selector for 'NOISEfestival', 2008.
NOISEfestival 2008, Liverpool.
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic Urban Landscape Work Exhibited in 'Damaged Romanticism', University of Houston, Texas, (22 August - 15 November 2008) touring to Grey Art Gallery, New York University (13 January 4 April 2009).
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic Work Exhibited in 'Parrworld: the Collection of Martin Parr', Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany, (7 May – 17 August 2008), curated by Thomas Weski, then touring to Breda Design Museum, The Netherlands (26 September 2008 - 6 January 2009); Jeu de Paume, Paris (30 June - 27 September 2009) and The Baltic, Gateshead, UK (16 October 2009 - 17 January 2010).
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic Work Exhibited in 'Plants of the Mind', Federico Luger Gallery, Milan, (15 December 2008 - 12 January 2009).
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
‘Richard Billingham’s Best Shot’.
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Selector for New Contemporaries 2008.
New Contemporaries, London.
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Urban Photographic Work Exhibited in 'Through the Lens', Royal West of England Academy, Bristol 2008.
Bissas, Athanassios ORCID: and Cook, Carlton B.
Key Concepts in Sport & Exercise Sciences.
SAGE Key Concepts series
Sage Publishing, London, pp. 10-14.
ISBN 9781412922289
Bissas, Athanassios ORCID: and Cooke, Carlton B.
Key Concepts in Sport & Exercise Sciences.
SAGE Key Concepts series
Sage Publishing, London, pp. 18-21.
ISBN 9781412922289
Bissas, Athanassios ORCID: and Havenetidis, Konstantinos
The use of various strength-power tests as predictors of sprint running performance.
Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 48 (1).
pp. 49-54.
Boatman, Nigel, Ramwell, Carmel, Parry, Hazel R, Jones, Naomi, Bishop, Julie, Gaskell, Peter ORCID:, Short, Christopher J
ORCID:, Mills, Jane
ORCID: and Dwyer, Janet C
A review of environmental benefits supplied by agri-environment schemes.
Technical Report.
Land Use Policy Group.
Braïda, Benoît, Bundhoo, Dilshaad ORCID:, Engels, Bernd and Hiberty, Philippe C.
Testing the Validity of the Conventional Resonance Model for Protonated Carbonyl, Imine and Thiocarbonyl Compounds. An Ab Initio Valence Bond Study.
Organic Letters, 10 (10).
pp. 1951-1954.
Brandao, Raul and Wynn, Martin G ORCID:
Product Lifecycle Management Systems and Business Process Improvement – A Report on Case Study Research.
Computing in the Global Information Technology. The Third International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology ICCGI 2008.
IEEEXplore Digital Library, pp. 113-118.
ISBN 978-0-7695-3275-2
Brasher, Andrew (2008) Online Education Using Learning Objects. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2). pp. 95-98.
Breitbarth, Tim and Harris, C Phil. (2008) The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Football Business: Towards the Development of a Conceptual model. European Sport Management Quarterly, 8 (2). pp. 179-206. doi:10.1080/16184740802024484
Bryan, Hazel and Carpenter, Chris (2008) Mentoring: a practice developed in community? Journal of In-Service Education, 34 (1). pp. 47-59. doi:10.1080/13674580701828245
Bullivant, N R (2008) Treatment strategies and outcomes for 'attachment disordered' children : perspectives of therapists, parents/carers and children. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
CCRI (2008) XII Biennial International Association for the Study of Commons (IASC) conference. CCRI, University of Gloucestershire. (Unpublished)
Callaghan, Lynne, Newcombe, Matthew, Abey, Sally, Gore, Oliver and Lea, Susan J (2008) Trials and Tribulations: three key elements in running a successful mobile learning trial in a health care setting: Case Study. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2). pp. 71-73.
Chanock, Kate (2008) Towards Inclusive Teaching and Learning in Humanities: alternatives to writing. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (3). pp. 19-32.
Chapman, Val (2008) Developing Inclusive Curricula. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (3). pp. 62-89.
Chatwin, Raymond J (2008) Becoming an Assistant Head Teacher-and making it work. Secondary Headship.
Clarke, Lucy E ORCID:, Quine, Timothy A and Nicholas, Andrew P
An evaluation of the role of physical models in exploring form–process feedbacks in alluvial fans.
Sediment Dynamics in Changing Environments.
International Association of Hydrological Sciences, pp. 175-183.
ISBN 978-1-901502-84-8
Cosgrove, Catherine L, Wood, Matthew J ORCID:, Day, Karen P and Sheldon, Ben C
Seasonal variation in Plasmodium prevalence in a population of blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus.
Journal of Animal Ecology, 77 (3).
pp. 540-548.
Courtney, Paul ORCID:, Gaskell, Peter
ORCID:, Mills, Jane
ORCID:, Boase, Rosamund E, Cheese, Lizzi, Jones, Owain, Kubinakova, Katarina
ORCID:, Lewis, Nick
ORCID: and Urquhart, Julie
Scoping Study on the Socio-Economic Benefits of Heritage in the National Parks - Final Report for English Heritage and Cadw.
Project Report.
CCRI, University of Gloucestershire.
Courtney, Paul ORCID:, Lépicier, Denis and Schmitt, Bertrand
Spatial Patterns of Production Linkages in the Context of Europe's Small Towns: How Are Rural Firms Linked to the Local Economy?
Regional Studies, 42 (3).
pp. 355-374.
Courtney, Paul ORCID: and Moseley, Malcom
Determinants of Local Economic Performance: Experience from Rural England.
Local Economy, 23 (4).
pp. 305-318.
Creanor, Linda, Trinder, Kathryn, Gowan, Doug and Howells, Carol (2008) Life, Learning and Technology: views from the learners. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2). pp. 26-41.
Crone, Diane ORCID:, Johnston, Lynne H, Gidlow, Chris, Henley, Caroline and James, David V
Uptake and participation in physical activity referral schemes in the UK: an investigation of patients referred with mental health problems.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 29 (10).
pp. 1088-1097.
Curry, Nigel R (2008) Leisure in the landscape: rural incomes and public benefits. In: Drivers of environmental change in uplands. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 277-291. ISBN 978-0-415-56408-3
Curry, Nigel R (2008) W(h)ither Rural: New Canons for old? [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Dacre, Kathy (2008) How Working with a Company of Actors with Physical and/or Sensory Impairments Has Changed a College Curriculum: Case Study. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (3). pp. 90-92.
Dana, Leo Paul and Vignali, Claudio (2008) Paul Smith in Japan. Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 3 (4). pp. 284-288.
Davies, Barry J ORCID:, Ward, Philippa
ORCID:, Halliday, Sue Vaux and Lim, Ming
A Dramaturgical Analysis of the Service Encounter in Higher Education.
Journal of Marketing Management, 24 (1-2).
pp. 47-68.
Davis, Sue (2008) Managing Part-time Study: a guide for undergraduates and postgraduates. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (3). pp. 106-108.
De Ste Croix, Mark B ORCID:
Muscle strength.
Paediatric exercise science and medicine.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 199-212.
ISBN 9780199232482
Deakin, Rich (2008) ABSURD! OUTRAGE! GROTESQUE! POOT! Shindig! Quarterly, 2 (5). pp. 40-41.
Deakin, Rich (2008) Mozic and the Revolution Revisited. In: Headpress 28: The Gospel According to Unpopular Culture. Headpress, London: UK, pp. 42-53. ISBN 9781900486644
Deem, Rosemary (2008) Producing and Re/producing the European University in the 21st century: research perspectives on the shifting purposes of higher education. Higher Education Policy, 21 (4). pp. 439-456. doi:10.1057/hep.2008.18
Deem, Rosemary, Mok, Ka Ho and Lucas, Lisa (2008) Transforming Higher Education In Whose Image? Exploring the Concept of the "WorldClass" University in Europe and Asia. Higher Education Policy, 21 (1). pp. 83-97.
Dolan, Josephine ORCID: and Spicer, Andrew
The Outsider: Anthony Simmons.
Journal of British Cinema and Television, 5 (1).
pp. 132-145.
Duke-Williams, Emma (2008) 500 Tips for Open and Online Learning. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2). pp. 99-101.
Dwyer, Janet C ORCID:, Bradley, Dylan and Hill, Berkeley
Towards an Enhanced Evaluation
of European Rural Development
Policy: Reflections on UK Experience.
Économie Rurale.
pp. 53-79.
Dwyer, Janet C ORCID: and Findeis, Jill L
Human and Social Capital in Rural Development – EU and US Perspectives Human- und Sozialkapital in der Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums – Perspektiven aus der EU und den USA Le capital social et humain dans le développement rural: Perspectives aux États-Unis et dans l’Union européenne.
EuroChoices, 7 (1).
pp. 38-45.
El Zoghbi, Mona B (2008) Inclusive Pedagogies: the development and delivery of Australian Indigenous curricula in higher education. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (3). pp. 33-48.
Engleback, Luke and Russo, Alessio ORCID:
Cambiamenti Climatici: la sfida per il paesaggio.
Urbanistica Informazioni, XXXVI (219).
pp. 84-85.
Engleback, Luke and Russo, Alessio ORCID:
Il verde nelle città “low carbon”.
Urbanistica Informazioni, XXXVI (219).
pp. 83-84.
Ferry, Emma ORCID:
Lucy Faulkner and the'ghastly grin': Reworking the title page illustration to Goblin Market.
Journal of the William Morris Studies, 18 (1).
pp. 65-84.
France, Angela ORCID:
Teaching Creative Writing: the role of the tutor.
Writing in Education, 45.
French, Anna L (2008) Possession, Puritanism and Prophecy: Child Demoniacs and English Reformed Culture. Reformation, 13 (1). pp. 133-161. doi:10.1558/refm.v13.133
Fruer, Steven A. (2008) Electromyographic Analysis of the Hamstrings during the 'Nordic' Hamstring Exercise. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Fullwood, Chris ORCID:, Judd, Amy Marie and Finn, Mandy
The effect of initial meeting context and video-mediation on jury perceptions of an eyewitness.
Internet Journal of Criminology.
Gallop, Rowland (2008) Do Blogs Help Students to Learn?: Case Study. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2). pp. 74-77.
Gammelgaard, Jens and Ritter, Thomas (2008) Virtual Communities of Practice: \A Mechanism for Effective Knowledge Retrieval in MNCs. International Journal of Knowledge Management, 4 (2). pp. 46-51.
Gaskell, Peter ORCID:
Drivers for change – new uses for redundant farm buildings.
In: Historic Farm Buildings – Function and Future Conference, Devizes, Wiltshire, UK.
Gaskell, Peter ORCID:
Finding a new use for historic farm buildings.
In: Adaptive re-use of historic farm buildings, National Trust Conference, Fountains Abbey, North Yorkshire, UK.
Gaskell, Peter ORCID:
Funding for the rural historic environment: changes and challenges.
In: Heritage Link Funding Advocacy Group, London, UK.
Gaskell, Peter ORCID:
The impact of UK agri-environment schemes on the historic environment.
In: Europa Nostra: Pan European Federation for Heritage, London, UK.
Gaskell, Peter ORCID:
The naturalisation of cultural heritage within landscape conservation policy and practice in England.
In: Landscapes, Identities and Development, 1–5 September, The Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape – 23rd Session, Landscapes, Identities and Development, Lisbon, Portugal.
Gaskell, Peter ORCID:, Boatman, Nigel, Dwyer, Janet C
ORCID:, Mills, Jane
ORCID:, Ingram, Julie
ORCID:, Short, Christopher J
ORCID: and Turely, D
Environmental Observatory update – the implications of the 2003 CAP reform for the environment in England.
Project Report.
Agricultural Change and Environment Observatory.
Gaskell, Peter ORCID: and Clark, Michael
Countryside Character Area Historic Farm Buildings Photo System.
Gaskell, Peter ORCID:, Dwyer, Janet C
ORCID:, Ford, Bob, Murphy, Ken, Pyper, Alice and Martin, Chris
Monitoring the Historic Environment: The Archaeological Resource.
Project Report.
Gaskell, Peter ORCID:, Hughes, G and Yates, M
Managing and monitoring archaeological sites on the farmland of Wales.
In: Approaches to the management and monitoring of cultural heritage in farmland and forestry, 6th World Archaeological Congress, Dublin, Ireland.
Gidlow, Christopher, Johnston, Lynne H, Crone, Diane ORCID: and James, David V
State of the art reviews: methods of evaluation: issues and implications for physical activity referral schemes.
American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 2 (1).
pp. 46-50.
Goodenough, Anne E ORCID:, Hart, Adam G
ORCID: and Elliot, S L
Variation in offspring quality with cavity orientation in the great tit.
Ethology Ecology and Evolution, 20 (4).
pp. 375-389.
Goodenough, Anne E ORCID:, Maitland, David P, Hart, Adam G
ORCID: and Elliot, Simon L
Nestbox orientation: a species-specific influence on occupation and breeding success in woodland passerines.
Bird Study, 55 (2).
pp. 222-232.
Gould, Chris ORCID: and Shammas, Noel
Commentary: Thermoelectric and solar-energy materials.
Journal of Nanophotonics, 2 (1).
Gould, Chris ORCID:, Shammas, Noel, Grainger, Stephen and Taylor, I.
A comprehensive review of thermoelectric technology, micro-electrical and power generation properties.
Microelectronics. International Conference. 26th 2008. (2 Vols) Miel 2008.
IEEE, pp. 329-332.
ISBN 9781424418817
Gravestock, Philip and Mason O'Connor, Kristine (2008) Editors’ Introduction. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2). p. 1.
Gravestock, Philip and Mason O'Connor, Kristine (2008) Editors’ Introduction. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (3). pp. 1-2.
Griffiths, Robin M (2008) Queer Cinema in Europe. Intellect. ISBN 9781841500799
Griffiths, Robin M (2008) Queering Cinema in Europe. In: Iris Prize: Cardiff International Gay and Lesbian Short Film Festival, 3rd October 2008, ATRiuM Media Centre, Cardiff School of Creative and Cultural Industries. (Unpublished)
Han, Liang (2008) Bricks vs. Clicks: SME Online Banking Behaviour and Relationship Banking. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 14 (1). pp. 47-60. doi:10.1108/13552550810852820
Han, Liang, Storey, David J and Fraser, Stuart (2008) The Concentration of Creditors: Evidence from Small Businesses. Applied Financial Economics, 18 (20). pp. 1647-1656. doi:10.1080/09603100701720476
Hanley, Brian, Bissas, Athanassios ORCID: and Drake, Andrew
Initial Findings of a Biomechanical Analysis at the 2008 IAAF World Race Walking Cup.
New Studies in Athletics, 23 (4).
pp. 27-34.
Hanley, Brian, Drake, Andrew and Bissas, Athanassios ORCID:
The Biomechanics of Elite Race Walking: Technique Analysis and the Effects of Fatigue.
New Studies in Athletics, 23 (4).
pp. 17-25.
Harridge‐March, Sally, Lifen Zhao, Anita, Hanmer‐Lloyd, Stuart, Ward, Philippa ORCID: and Goode, Mark M
Perceived risk and Chinese consumers' internet banking services adoption.
International Journal of Bank Marketing, 26 (7).
pp. 505-525.
Hayati, D, Karami, E A and Powell, John R ORCID:
The impact of rural development interventions on rural households: poverty and inequality: the case of Fars Province, Iran.
Iranian Journal of Sociology, 2 (1).
pp. 163-189.
Hepworth, Ian A (2008) Gender, genre and representation: "Musculinity" and the body in the female boxing film. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Higgs, Gary, Berry, Robert ORCID:, Kidner, David and Langford, Mitch
Using IT approaches to promote public participation in renewable energy planning: Prospects and challenges.
Land Use Policy, 25 (4).
pp. 596-607.
Howard, A.J., Brown, A.G., Carey, C.J., Challis, K., Cooper, L.P., Kincey, M. and Toms, P. ORCID:
Archaeological resource modelling in temperate river valleys: a case study from the Trent Valley, UK.
Antiquity, 82 (318).
pp. 1040-1054.
Hu, Xiaoling, Hua, Ping and Xie, X. (2008) Estimating China's Import Demand for Steel, An Co-integration Approach. Journal of Chinese Economics and Foreign Trade Studies, 1 (1). pp. 62-74.
Hu, Xiaoling, Liu, Leeva, Xie, Charlene and Zhou, Jun (2008) The effects of country-of-origin on Chinese consumers' wine purchasing behaviour. Journal of Technology Management in China, 3 (3). pp. 292-306. doi:10.1108/17468770810916195
Huang, Xiangang, Xiong, F P and Hu, Xiaoling (2008) The Short-Term Impact of Foreign Banks’ Entry on China’s Domestic Banks. China Insight Today. pp. 430-415.
Hughes, John D ORCID:
Wordsworth’s Poetics of Orphanhood; ‘Tintern Abbey’, ‘The Vale of Esthwaite’ and ‘Salisbury Plain’.
Romanticism, 14 (3).
pp. 219-231.
Hurst, Alan (2008) The Changing Legal Context, Continuing Professional Development and the Promotion of Inclusive Pedagogy for Disabled Students: some questions. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (3). pp. 49-61.
Hurst, Alan (2008) Study Skills for Dyslexic Students. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (3). pp. 109-112.
Hussainey, Khaled and Al-Nodel, Ali (2008) Corporate governance online reporting by Saudi companies. Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies, 8. pp. 39-64. doi:10.1016/S1479-3563%2808%2908002-X
Ilbery, Brian W and Maye, Damian ORCID:
Changing geographies of food consumption and production.
An Introduction to Human Geography: Issues for the 21st Century.
Pearson Education, Harlow, pp. 159-179.
ISBN 9780132056847
Ilbery, Brian W and Maye, Damian ORCID:
Placing ‘local’ foods in a cross border context.
Agri-food Commodity Chains and Globalizing Networks.
The Dynamics of Economic Space
Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 121-136.
ISBN 978-0-7546-7336-1
Ilic, Melanie J ORCID:
Soviet Women and Civil Defense Training in the 1930s.
Minerva Journal of Women and War, 2 (1).
pp. 100-113.
Ingram, Julie ORCID:
Agricultural advisers and the transition to sustainable soil management in England: a focus on agronomists’ understanding of soil.
Sustainable Farmland Management: Transdisciplinary Approaches.
CABI, Wallingford, pp. 77-93.
ISBN 9781845933517
Ingram, Julie ORCID:
Agronomist–farmer knowledge encounters: an analysis of knowledge exchange in the context of best management practices in England.
Agriculture and Human Values, 25 (3).
pp. 405-418.
Ingram, Julie ORCID:
Are farmers in England equipped to meet the knowledge challenge of sustainable soil management? An analysis of farmer and advisor views.
Journal of Environmental Management, 86 (1).
pp. 214-228.
Ingram, Julie ORCID:, Fry, Patricia and Mathieu, Ann
Revealing different understandings of soil held by scientists and farmers in the context of soil protection and management.
Land Use Policy, 27 (1).
pp. 51-60.
James, David V ORCID:, Johnston, Lynne H, Crone, Diane
ORCID:, Sidford, Adrienne H, Gidlow, Christopher, Morris, Clare and Foster, Charlie
Factors associated with physical activity referral uptake and participation.
Journal of Sports Sciences, 26 (2).
pp. 217-224.
James, David V ORCID:, Sandals, Leigh E, Draper, Stephen B, Maldonado-Martin, Sara and Wood, Dan M
Influence of test duration on oxygen uptake attained during treadmill running.
European Journal of Sport Science, 8 (4).
pp. 225-230.
Jardim, Georgina L (2008) 'She Who Disputes': A Qur'anic Precedent for Sacral Interlocution. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Jensen, RA, Madsen, J, O'Connell, Mark ORCID:, Wisz, M, Tommervik, H and Mehlums, F
Prediction of the distribution of Arctic‐nesting
pink‐footed geese under a warmer climate
Global Change Biology, 14 (1).
pp. 1-10.
Jones, Owain (2008) Of Trees and Trails: place in a globalised world. In: Material Geographies: A World in the Making. Sage Publications Ltd, 1 Olivers Yard, 55 City Road, London EC1Y 1SP, England, London, pp. 214-264. ISBN 9781847874696
Jones, Owain (2008) Stepping from the wreckage: Geography, pragmatism and anti-representational theory. Geoforum, 39 (4). pp. 1600-1612. doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2007.10.003
Jones, Owain (2008) ‘True geography [ ] quickly forgotten, giving away to an adult-imagined universe’. Approaching the otherness of childhood. Children's Geographies, 6 (2). pp. 195-212. doi:10.1080/14733280801963193
Jones, Owain and Cloke, Paul (2008) Non-human agencies: trees, relationality, time and place. In: Material Agency: towards a non-anthropocentric approach. Springer, Guildford, pp. 79-96. ISBN 978-0-387-74710-1
Jones, Roy (2008) The Contestation of Heritage: the Colonizer and the Colonized in Australia. In: The Ashgate Research Companion to Heritate and Identity. Ashgate Publishing Limited, Aldershot, UK, pp. 365-380. ISBN 978-0754649229
Jones, Tracy A (2008) Changes in hotel industry budgetary practice. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20 (4). pp. 428-444.
Jones, Tracy A (2008) Improving hotel budgetary practice—A positive theory model. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27 (4). pp. 529-540. doi:10.1016/j.ijhm.2007.07.027
Keevil, Tyler (2008) Tokes From the Wild. In: Brace: A New Generation in Short Fiction (New Writer Showcase). Comma Press. ISBN 978-1905583225
Lans, Thomas, Biemans, Harm, Verstegen, Jos and Mulder, Martin (2008) The Influence of the Work Environment on Entrepreneurial Learning of Small-business Owners. Management Learning, 39 (5). pp. 597-613. doi:10.1177/1350507608098117
Large, William ORCID:
Heidegger’s Being and Time an Edinburgh Philosophical Guide.
Edinburgh philosophical guides series
Edinburgh University Press.
ISBN : 978-0748627349
Large, William ORCID:
Time and Money: Philosophy of Religion and the Critique of Capital.
Journal for Culture and Religious Theory, 8 (3).
pp. 50-66.
Laurier, Eric, Lorimer, Hayden, Brown, Barry, Jones, Owain, Juhlin, Oskar, Noble, Allyson, Perry, Mark, Pica, Daniele, Sormani, Philippe, Strebel, Ignaz, Swan, Laurel, Taylor, Alex S., Watts, Laura and Weilenmann, Alexandra (2008) Driving and ‘Passengering’: Notes on the Ordinary Organization of Car Travel. Mobilities, 3 (1). pp. 1-23. doi:10.1080/17450100701797273
Lincoln, Andrew T ORCID:
The Lazarus Story: A Literary Perspective.
The Gospel of John and Christian Theology.
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co, pp. 211-232.
ISBN 978-0-8028-2717-3
Lloyd, Andy (2008) Ezekiel One. Timeless Voyager Press, Santa Barbara, California. ISBN 9781892264251
Lowe, Sarah Elizabeth (2008) Players and Performances in Early Modern Gloucester, Tewkesbury and Bristol. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Lynch, Kenneth ORCID:
Rural urban interaction.
The Companion to Development Studies.
Arnold, London, pp. 268-271.
ISBN 978-0-340-88914-5
Lynch, Kenneth ORCID:, Bednarz, Bob, Boxall, James, Chalmers, Lex, France, Derek and Kesby, Julie
E-learning for Geography's Teaching and Learning Spaces.
Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 32 (1).
pp. 135-149.
MacLean, Malcolm ORCID:
Evolving Modern Sport.
Journal of Sport History, 35 (1).
pp. 49-55.
MacVaugh, Jason (2008) A Critical Investigation of Knowledge Management as a Determinant of New Product Development Success. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
MacVaugh, Jason and Auty, Stephanie (2008) Proactive knowledge management: an independent enabler of New Product Development success? International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, 4 (3). p. 347. doi:10.1504/IJTIP.2008.020101
Martin, Vivien and Barlow, Joyce (2008) Staff Development for a more Inclusive Curriculum. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (3). pp. 3-18.
Marvell, Alan D ORCID:
Student-led Presentationsin situ: The Challenges to Presenting on the Edge of a Volcano.
Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 32 (2).
pp. 321-335.
Mason, Paul and Monckton-Smith, Jane ORCID:
Conflation, collocation and confusion.
Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, 9 (6).
pp. 691-710.
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Creating an integrated model for teaching creative writing - one approach.
Creative Writing Studies: Practice, Research, Pedagogy.
Multilingual Matters, Clevedon, pp. 88-100.
ISBN 978-1847690197
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Room To Rhyme: Intellectual Space in Creative Writing.
Writing in Education (44).
pp. 59-62.
Mikolajczyk, Rafael T, Brzoska, Patrick, Maier, Claudia, Ottova, Veronika, Meier, Sabine, Dudziak, Urszula, Ilieva, Snezhana and El Ansari, Walid (2008) Factors associated with self-rated health status in university students: a cross-sectional study in three European countries. BMC Public Health, 8 (1). p. 215. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-8-215
Mikolajczyk, Rafael T., Maxwell, Annette E., El Ansari, Walid, Naydenova, Vihra, Stock, Christiane, Ilieva, Snezhana, Dudziak, Urszula and Nagyova, Iveta (2008) Prevalence of depressive symptoms in university students from Germany, Denmark, Poland and Bulgaria. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 43 (2). pp. 105-112. doi:10.1007/s00127-007-0282-0
Mills, Hayley (2008) A Mixed Method Investigation into the Perception and Measurement of Success in the Healthwise Exercise Referral Scheme. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Mills, Hayley, Crone, Diane ORCID: and El Ansari, Walid
Public Health and Physical Activity.
Key Concepts in Public Health.
SAGE Key Concepts series
SAGE, pp. 202-206.
ISBN 9781412948791
Mills, Jane ORCID:, Ingram, Julie
ORCID:, Reed, Matt
ORCID:, Short, Christopher
ORCID:, Gibbon, David and Dwyer, Janet C
Evaluation of key factors that lead to successful agri-environmental co-operative schemes.
Project Report.
Countryside and Community Research Institute.
Monk, Caroline and Wynn, Martin G ORCID:
KTP Case Study 3 - Dowty Propellers.
Project Report.
Technology Strategy Board/University of Gloucestershire.
Monk, Caroline and Wynn, Martin G ORCID:
KTP Case Study 4 - Building Solutions.
Project Report.
Technology Strategy Board/University of Gloucestershire.
Murray, Matthew ORCID:
Matthew Murray Exhibits work at 'Through the Lens' exhibition at The Royal West of England Academy, Bristol.
Noyes, Jan (2008) First Generation Entry into Higher Education: an international study. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (3). pp. 113-116.
O'Connell, Mark ORCID:, Atkinson, SR, Gamez, K, Pickering, SP and Dutton, JS
Forage Preferences of the European Beaver Castor fiber: Implications for Reintroduction.
Conservation and Society, 6 (2).
pp. 190-194.
Owen, Roz, Powell, John R ORCID:, Reed, Matt
ORCID:, Kambites, Carol J and Lewis, Nick
An evaluation of Cydcoed: the social and economic benefits of using trees and woodlands for community development in Wales.
Technical Report.
Forest Research.
Ozuem, Wilson ORCID:, Howell, Kerry E. and Lancaster, Geoff
Communicating in the new interactive marketspace.
European Journal of Marketing, 42 (9/10).
pp. 1059-1083.
Parton, Graham ORCID: and Bailey, R.
Problem-based Learning: A Critical Rationalist Perspective.
London Review of Education, 6 (3).
pp. 281-292.
Peck, Julia ORCID:
Kruger, Johan Friedrich Carl (Fred).
Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography.
Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon.
ISBN 978-0415972352
Phillips, Morgan Hope (2008) Micro and Macro Approaches to Environmental Education. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Pitt, Martyn and MacVaugh, Jason (2008) Knowledge management for new product development. Journal of Knowledge Management, 12 (4). pp. 101-116. doi:10.1108/13673270810884282
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Purnell, Emma (2008) The Educational Potential of e-Portfolios: supporting personal development and reflective learning. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2). pp. 102-105.
Randall, Martin C (2008) The First Cuckoo You've Ever Heard. Aesthetica, 1 (20). p. 16.
Read, Janet C (2008) Effective Learning and Teaching in Computing. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2). pp. 92-94.
Reed, Matt ORCID:
The Role Of Organics In Sustainable Farmland Management.
Sustainable Farmland Management.
CABI, Wallingford.
ISBN 9781845933517
Reed, Matt ORCID:
The Rural Arena: The Diversity of Protest in Rural England.
Journal of Rural Studies, 24 (2).
pp. 209-218.
Reed, Matt ORCID:, Butler, Allan and Lobley, Matt
Understanding the Footprints of Farms: Organic Farmers Contesting The Food Chain.
Creating Food Futures: Trade, Ethics And The Environment.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Gower Publishing Ltd, London, pp. 67-80.
ISBN 9780754649076
Reeves, Nina and O'Brien, Paul (2008) E-galleries for Image, Audio and Animation Design Work: blending face-to-face critique with anonymous uploading to create student portfolios: Case Study. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2). pp. 78-81.
Rogers, Sally L and Kaufman, Jim (2008) High allelic polymorphism, moderate sequence diversity and diversifying selection for B-NK but not B-lec, the pair of lectin-like receptor genes in the chicken MHC. Immunogenetics, 60 (8). pp. 461-475. doi:10.1007/s00251-008-0307-1
Rogers, Sally L, Viertlboeck, Birgit C, Göbel, Thomas W and Kaufman, Jim (2008) Avian NK activities, cells and receptors. Seminars in Immunology, 20 (6). pp. 353-60. doi:10.1016/j.smim.2008.09.005
Ryall, Emily S ORCID:
Being-On-The-Bench: An Existential Analysis of the Substitute in Sport.
Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 2 (1).
pp. 56-70.
Ryall, Emily S ORCID:
The Language of Genetic Technology: Metaphor and Media Representation.
Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 22 (3).
pp. 363-373.
Ryan, Bob ORCID:
Finance and Accounting for Business.
Cengage, London.
ISBN 1844808971
Sadler, Lynne and Nelson, Linda (2008) Interactive Nurse Education: the virtual experience: Case Study. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2). pp. 82-85.
Scanlon, Peter H ORCID:
The English national screening programme for sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy.
Journal of Medical Screening, 15 (1).
pp. 1-4.
Scanlon, Peter H ORCID:, Carter, S C, Foy, C, Husband, R F A, Abbas, J and Bachmann, M O
Diabetic retinopathy and socioeconomic deprivation in Gloucestershire.
Journal of Medical Screening, 15 (3).
pp. 118-121.
Scanlon, Peter H ORCID:, Foy, C and Chen, F K
Visual acuity measurement and ocular co-morbidity in diabetic retinopathy screening.
British Journal of Ophthalmology, 92 (6).
pp. 775-778.
Schiele, Holger (2008) Location, location: the geography of industry clusters. Journal of Business Strategy, 29 (3). pp. 29-36. doi:10.1108/02756660810873191
Scott-Baumann, Alison (2008) Towards Inclusive Learning in Higher Education Developing curricula for disabled students. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (3). pp. 103-105.
Shaikh, Siraj Ahmed ORCID:
Participation of Female Students in Computer Science Education: Case Study.
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (3).
pp. 93-96.
Shneor, Rotem and Flåten, Bjorn Tore (2008) Internet-enabled Internationalization Process: on Stages and Sequences. Journal of e-Business, VIII (1-2). pp. 45-52.
Short, Christopher ORCID:
Reconciling Nature Conservation ‘Needs’ and Those of Other Land Uses in a Multi-Functional Context: high-value nature conservation sites in lowland England.
Sustainable Rural Systems.
Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 125-144.
ISBN 9780754647157
Short, Christopher ORCID:
The Traditional Commons of England and Wales in the Twenty-First Century: meeting new and old challenges.
International Journal of the Commons, 2 (2).
pp. 192-221.
Short, Christopher ORCID:, Ilbery, Brian W, Courtney, Paul
ORCID:, Kambites, Carol J and Boase, Rosamund E
Exploring the interactions between land-based industries and communities in rural England.
Journal of Farm Management, 13 (5).
pp. 369-378.
Short, Christopher J ORCID:, Jones, Owain and Reed, Matt
Policy Implications of the Postmodern Countryside: Report to the Commission for Rural Communities.
Technical Report.
CCRI: University of Gloucestershire.
Skinner, Elisabeth (2008) Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age: designing and delivering e-learning. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2). pp. 89-91.
Skinner, Elisabeth and Derounian, James ORCID:
Building Community Through Online Discuss.
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2).
pp. 57-70.
Steinle, Claus and Schiele, Holger (2008) Limits to global sourcing?: Strategic consequences of dependency on international suppliers: Cluster theory, resource-based view and case studies. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 14 (1). pp. 3-14. doi:10.1016/j.pursup.2008.01.001
Stibbe, Arran ORCID:
Zen and the Art of Environmental Education in the Japanese Animated Film Tonari no Totoro.
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 1 (4).
pp. 468-488.
Stibbe, Arran ORCID: and Zunino, Francesca
The discursive construction of biodiversity.
Language, Signs and Nature: Ecolinguistic Dimensions of Environmental Discourse.
Verlag, Berlin.
Thrassou, Alkis and Vrontis, Demetris (2008) International strategic marketing of small construction consultancy firms: the case of Cypriot firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 6 (2). p. 296. doi:10.1504/IJESB.2008.018634
Thrassou, Alkis and Vrontis, Demetris (2008) Internet marketing by SMEs: towards enhanced competitiveness and internationalisation of professional services. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 4 (2/3). p. 241. doi:10.1504/IJIMA.2008.017024
Thrassou, Alkis, Vrontis, Demetris and Ho, Ching Wei (2008) The marketing implications of the 'undesired self'; the case of Chinese Y-generation. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 1 (4). p. 390. doi:10.1504/JGBA.2008.019937
Thurnell-Read, Thomas and Parker, Andrew ORCID:
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Emotion, Space and Society, 1 (2).
pp. 127-134.
Topolansky Barbe, Frederico (2008) MERCOSUR Union, Porter's Diamond and the Competitiveness of the Uruguayan Broiler Industry. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Towers, Neil ORCID: and Burnes, Bernard
A composite framework of supply chain management and enterprise planning for small and medium‐sized manufacturing enterprises.
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 13 (5).
pp. 349-355.
Turnbull, Sharon (2008) From Global Leadership to 'Worldly Leadership. LT Focus, Autumn.
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Book review: Reintegration of rehabilitation: Making people happy.
Crime, Law and Social Change, 50.
pp. 407-410.
Vare, Paul ORCID:
From Practice to Theory: Participation as Learning in the Context of Sustainable Development Projects.
Participation and Learning: Perspectives on Education and the Environment, Health and Sustainability.
Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 128-143.
ISBN 978-1-4020-6415-9
Vare, Paul ORCID: and Scott, William
Education for Sustainable Development: two sides and an edge.
DEA Thinkpiece.
Vrontis, Demetris and Kogetsidis, Harry (2008) Environmental analysis as a means to customer satisfaction: the case of Starbucks in Cyprus. Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 3 (3/4). p. 188. doi:10.1504/JIBED.2008.019156
Vrontis, Demetris, Ktoridou, Despo and Papadamou, Yioula (2008) Website Design and Development as an Effective and Efficient Promotional Tool: A Case Study in the Hotel Industry in Cyprus. Journal of Website Promotion, 2 (3/4). pp. 125-139. doi:10.1080/15533610802174995
Vrontis, Demetris and Paliwoda, Stanley J (2008) Branding and the Cyprus wine industry. Journal of Brand Management, 16 (3). pp. 145-159. doi:10.1057/bm.2008.1
Vrontis, Demetris and Pavlou, Pavlos (2008) The external environment and its effect on strategic marketing planning: a case study for McDonald's. Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 3 (3/4). p. 289. doi:10.1504/JIBED.2008.019163
Vrontis, Demetris, Susanti, Andriani and Papasolomou, Ioanna (2008) The impact of culture in TV advertising behaviour: an exploratory study in Southeast Asia. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 1 (4). p. 422. doi:10.1504/JGBA.2008.019939
von der Lippe, Gerd and MacLean, Malcolm ORCID:
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International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 43 (1).
pp. 71-90.
Wang, Chengbo and Fergusson, Craig (2008) A Conceptual Case Based Model Supporting a SME's Strategic Supply Chain Decision. ICFAI Journal of Business Strategy, 5 (4). pp. 189-196.
Wang, Chengbo, Fergusson, Craig, Perry, Daniel and Antony, Jiju (2008) A conceptual case‐based model for knowledge sharing among supply chain members. Business Process Management Journal, 14 (2). pp. 147-165. doi:10.1108/14637150810864907
Waterfield, Judith and West, Bob (2008) Towards Inclusive Assessments in Higher Education: Case Study. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (3). pp. 97-102.
Watts, D, Ilbery, Brian W and Maye, Damian ORCID:
Making re-connections in agro-food geography: alternative systems of food provision.
The Rural Critical Essays in Human Geography.
Contemporary Foundations of Space and Place
Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 165-183.
ISBN 9780754627210
Webster, David R (2008) A View from the Crossroads: a dialogue. Buddhist Studies Review, 25 (1). pp. 106-112.
Webster, David R (2008) A Year in the Blogosphere: Case Study. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2). pp. 86-88.
Wen, Hui-I, Zhang, Shujun ORCID:, Hapeshi, Kevin and Wang, Xiao-feng
An Innovative Methodology of Product Design from Nature.
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pp. 75-84.
Williams, Craig A, James, David V ORCID: and Wilson, Cassie
Mathematics and Science for Exercise and Sport: The Basics.
Routledge, Abingdon.
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Palliative care for people with dementia.
Mental Health Practice, 12 (2).
pp. 26-29.
Wilson-Copp, Frances (2008) Everyday objects and the evocation of the miraculous. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Wynn, Martin G ORCID:, Jones, Peter
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Innovation in the Construction and Property Management Industries.
Property Management, 26 (1).
pp. 66-78.
Wynn, Martin G ORCID:, Shen, R and Brandao, Raul
Managing IS projects in SMEs – Tailoring the PRINCE2TM1 methodology.
In: Conference on Money, Economy and Management, World Business Institute, July, 2008, Imperial College London.
Wynn, Martin G ORCID: and Zhang, Shujun
Web Portals in SMEs – Two Case Studies.
Third International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services.
pp. 303-308.
doi:DOI: 10.1109/ICIW.2008.85
Wynn, Martin G ORCID:, Zhang, Shujun
ORCID:, Zang, Hongnian and Morgan, Paul
Innovation in the software industry: two case studies.
In: 8th International Business Research Conference., March 25-28, 2008, Dubai, UAE.
Wynn, Neil A (2008) Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt-Truman Era. Historical Dictionaries of U.S. Historical Eras . Scarecrow Press. ISBN 13: 978-0-8108-5616-5
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Xie, X. and Hu, Xiaoling (2008) Risk Management in Product Development. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition), 3.
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Zakrzewski, Julia K (2008) Oxygen uptake kinetics in overweight and non-overweight children during moderate intensity non-weight bearing exercise. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.