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Acott, Tim and Urquhart, Julie ORCID logoORCID: (2017) Co‐constructing cultural ecosystem services and wellbeing through a place‐based approach. In: Social Wellbeing and the Value of Small-scale Fisheries. MARE Publication Series (17). Springer International Publishing, Dordrecht, pp. 23-43. ISBN 9783319607504

Acott, Tim and Urquhart, Julie ORCID logoORCID: (2015) People, place and fish: Exploring the cultural ecosystem services of inshore fishing through photography. In: Creative Economies, Creative Communities: Rethinking Place, Policy and Practice. Ashgate, Fareham, Surrey, pp. 43-63. ISBN 9781472451378

Acott, Tim, Urquhart, Julie ORCID logoORCID: and Zhao, Minghua (2014) Towards an understanding of social issues in sustainable fisheries management. In: Social Issues in Sustainable Fisheries Management. MARE Publication Series (9). Springer International Publishing, Dordrecht, pp. 373-382. ISBN 9789400779105

Acott, Timothy G. and Urquhart, Julie ORCID logoORCID: (2014) Sense of place and socio-cultural values in fishing communities along the English Channel. In: Social Issues in Sustainable Fisheries Management. Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, pp. 257-277. ISBN 9789400779105

Alderson, Danielle, Clarke, Lucy E ORCID logoORCID:, Schillereff, Daniel N and Shuttleworth, Emma (2023) Navigating the academic ladder as an early career researcher in earth and environmental sciences. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 48 (2). pp. 475-486. doi:10.1002/esp.5497

Alexopoulos, Yiorgos, Baldock, David, Damianos, Dimitris and Dwyer, Janet C ORCID logoORCID: (2006) Multifunctionality and the implications for EU policies. In: Trade agreements, multifunctionality and EU agriculture. Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, pp. 299-317. ISBN 978-9290796725

Avsejs, Luke A, Nott, Chris J, Xie, Shucheng, Maddy, Darrel, Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID: and Evershed, Richard P (2002) 5-n-Alkylresorcinols as biomarkers of sedges in an ombrotrophic peat section. Organic Geochemistry, 33 (7). pp. 861-867. doi:10.1016/S0146-6380(02)00046-3


Bangura, Kabba Santigie, Gbanie, Solomon and Lynch, Kenneth ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Cultivating Young Agriculturalists; Kenema, Sierra Leone. Urban Agriculture Magazine, 35. pp. 35-37.

Bangura, Kabba Santigie, Lynch, Kenneth ORCID logoORCID: and Binns, James Anthony(Tony) (2013) Coping with the impacts of weather changes in rural Sierra Leone. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 20 (1). pp. 20-31. doi:10.1080/13504509.2012.740511

Bangura, Kabba Santigie, Lynch, Kenneth ORCID logoORCID: and Gbanie, Solomon (2019) Facing the post-crises municipal challenge? Cultivating young agriculturalists in Kenema, Sierra Leone. [Film / Video]

Barber, K E, Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID:, Maddy, D, Stoneman, R and Brew, J S (1994) A sensitive high-resolution record of late Holocene climatic change from a raised bog in northern England. Holocene, 4 (2). pp. 198-205. doi:10.1177/095968369400400209

Barber, Keith E, Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID: and Maddy, Darrel (2003) Holocene palaeoclimates from peat stratigraphy: macrofossil proxy climate records from three oceanic raised bogs in England and Ireland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 22 (5-7). pp. 521-539. doi:10.1016/S0277-3791(02)00185-3

Barber, Keith E, Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID: and Maddy, Darrel (2008) Late Holocene climatic history of northern Germany and Denmark: peat macrofossil investigations at Dosenmoor, Schleswig-Holstein, and Svanemose, Jutland. Boreas, 33 (2). pp. 132-144. doi:10.1111/j.1502-3885.2004.tb01135.x

Bennett, Rachel ORCID logoORCID: (2017) Mean Streets: Migration, Xenophobia and Informality in South Africa. J.Crush, A.Chikanda and C.Skinner (eds.), Southern African Migration Project, the African Centre for Cities and the International Development Research Centre (Cape Town, South Africa), 2015. Population, Space and Place, 23 (1). doi:10.1002/psp.2039

Bennett, Rachel ORCID logoORCID: (2023) ‘Opening the Appetite’ for Data & Data Skills amongst Non-Specialists. UN SDG Learn Blog.

Bennett, Rachel ORCID logoORCID: (2020) What data skills should universities be teaching students aspiring to make a difference in global development? UN World Data Forum Blog.

Bennett, Rachel ORCID logoORCID:, Chepngeno-Langat, Gloria, Evandrou, Maria and Falkingham, Jane (2016) Gender differentials and old age survival in the Nairobi slums, Kenya. Social Science and Medicine, 163. pp. 107-116. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.07.002

Bennett, Rachel ORCID logoORCID:, Chepngeno-Langat, Gloria, Evandrou, Maria and Falkingham, Jane (2015) Resilience in the face of post-election violence in Kenya: The mediating role of social networks on wellbeing among older people in the Korogocho informal settlement, Nairobi. Social Science and Medicine, 128. pp. 159-167. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.01.033

Bennett, Rachel ORCID logoORCID:, Clifford, David and Falkingham, Jane (2013) Household Members' Migration and the Education of Children ‘Left Behind’: Empirical Findings from Tajikistan and Reflections for Research Practice. Population, Space and Place, 19 (1). pp. 1-14. doi:10.1002/psp.1698

Bennett, Rachel ORCID logoORCID: and Eremenko, Tatiana (2019) How does family migration affect children's wellbeing as they grow up? Understanding Society Blog.

Bennett, Rachel ORCID logoORCID:, Hosegood, Victoria, Newell, Marie-Louise and McGrath, Nuala (2015) An Approach to Measuring Dispersed Families with a Particular Focus on Children ‘Left Behind’ by Migrant Parents: Findings from Rural South Africa. Population, Space and Place, 21 (4). pp. 322-334. doi:10.1002/psp.1843

Bennett, Rachel ORCID logoORCID:, Hosegood, Victoria, Newell, Marie-Louise and McGrath, Nuala (2015) Understanding Family Migration in Rural South Africa: Exploring Children's Inclusion in the Destination Households of Migrant Parents. Population, Space and Place, 21 (4). pp. 310-321. doi:10.1002/psp.1842

Bennett, Rachel ORCID logoORCID: and Waterhouse, Philippa (2019) Written Evidence for Lords Select Committee: Sub-Saharan Africa – prosperity, peace and development cooperation inquiry. Other. ords Select Committee: Sub-Saharan Africa – prosperity, peace and development cooperation inquiry,.

Bennett, Rachel ORCID logoORCID: and Zaidi, Asghar (2016) Ageing and development: Putting gender back on the agenda. International Journal on Ageing in Developing Countries, 1 (1). pp. 5-19.

Bennett, Rachel ORCID logoORCID: and Zaidi, Asghar (2018) Editorial: Three challenges in realising the MIPAA. International Journal on Ageing in Developing Countries, 2 (2). pp. 76-81.

Berry, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2020) Atlas of deprivation in Wales. RPubs.

Berry, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2020) LANDMAP, landscape and a changing climate in the Designated Landscapes, Wales. Technical Report. Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru / Natural Resources Wales, Bangor.

Berry, Robert ORCID logoORCID:, Dwyer, Janet C ORCID logoORCID:, Gaskell, Peter ORCID logoORCID:, Lake, Jeremy, Powell, John R ORCID logoORCID: and Young, Imogen (2019) LANDMAP, Landscape and a Changing Climate. Technical Report. Natural Resources Wales, Bangor.

Berry, Robert ORCID logoORCID:, Fry, Richard, Higgs, Gary and Orford, Scott (2010) Building a geo-portal for enhancing collaborative socio-economic research in Wales using open-source technology. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 2 (1). pp. 78-92.

Berry, Robert ORCID logoORCID:, Fry, Richard, Higgs, Gary, Orford, Scott and Jones, Sam (2011) Introducing the WISERD Geoportal. In: AGI Cymru Annual Conference, 1 December 2011, Cardiff. (Unpublished)

Berry, Robert ORCID logoORCID: and Higgs, Gary (2010) An Evaluation Of Online GIS-Based Landscape And Visual Impact Assessment Tools And Their Potential For Enhancing Public Participation In The UK. In: 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Web Mapping, Geoprocessing and Services, ISPRS Working Group IV/5, 26th-27th August 2010, Como, Italy. (Unpublished)

Berry, Robert ORCID logoORCID: and Higgs, Gary (2012) Gauging levels of public acceptance of the use of visualisation tools in promoting public participation; a case study of wind farm planning in South Wales, UK. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 55 (2). pp. 229-251. doi:10.1080/09640568.2011.591925

Berry, Robert ORCID logoORCID:, Higgs, Gary, Fry, Richard and Langford, Mitch (2011) Web-based GIS Approaches to Enhance Public Participation in Wind Farm Planning. Transactions in GIS, 15 (2). pp. 147-172. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9671.2011.01240.x

Berry, Robert ORCID logoORCID:, Higgs, Gary, Langford, M L and Fry, Richard (2006) Examining the potential of Internet-based geographical information systems to promote public participation in wind farm planning. In: Digital Landscape Architecture Campus seminar, 7th International Conference on Information Technologies in Landscape Architecture, 17th-20th May, 2006, Anhalt University of Applied Science, Dessau, Germany. (Unpublished)

Berry, Robert ORCID logoORCID: and Kidner, David (2005) The Transition to High Resolution Digital Surface Models: Improvements in Visibility Analysis Performance. In: Proceedings of the 13th GIS Research UK Annual Conference, 2005, University of Glasgow.

Best, Louise ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Late Holocene Relative Sea-Level Change and the Implications for the Groundwater Resource, Humber Estuary, UK. PhD thesis, University of York.

Best, Louise ORCID logoORCID: and Shennan, Ian (2024) Scottish landform example: isolation basins of Arisaig. Scottish Geographical Journal. doi:10.1080/14702541.2024.2401166 (In Press)

Best, Louise ORCID logoORCID:, Simms, Alexander R, Brader, Martin, Bradley, Sarah L, Lloyd, Jeremy, Sefton, Juliet, Shennan, Ian and Small, David (2022) Constraints on relative sea-level changes in the Isle of Skye and Wester Ross region, Scotland, since the Last Glacial Maximum. In: 2022 QRA Annual Discussion Meeting, 5-7 January 2022, University of Sheffield. (Unpublished)

Best, Louise ORCID logoORCID:, Simms, Alexander R, Brader, Martin, Lloyd, Jerry, Sefton, Juliet and Shennan, Ian (2022) Local and Regional Constraints on Relative Sea-Level Changes in Southern Isle of Skye, Scotland, since the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Quaternary Science, 37 (1). pp. 59-70. doi:10.1002/jqs.3376

Best, Louise ORCID logoORCID:, Simms, Alexander R, Bradwell, Tom, Regina, DeWitt, Lloyd, Jeremy, Bradley, Sarah, Ely, Jeremy, Kachuck, Samuel and Small, David (2023) New constraints on Late Pleistocene relative sea-level changes in northwest Scotland- Beach to Basins: GIA Feedbacks. In: XXI Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research, 13-20 July 2023, Rome. (Unpublished)

Bingham, Elizabeth M, McClymont, Erin L, Väliranta, Dmitri and Roberts, Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID:, Pancost, Richard D and Evershed, Richard P (2010) Conservative composition of n-alkane biomarkers in Sphagnum species: Implications for palaeoclimate reconstruction in ombrotrophic peat bogs. Organic Geochemistry, 41 (2). pp. 214-220.

Binns, Tony and Lynch, Kenneth ORCID logoORCID: (1998) Feeding Africa's growing cities into the 21st century: the potential of urban agriculture. Journal of International Development, 10 (6). pp. 777-793.

Blackford, J.J. and Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID: (1995) Proxy climate record for the last 1000 years from Irish blanket peat and a possible link to solar variability. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 133 (1-2). pp. 145-150. doi:10.1016/0012-821X(95)00072-K

Blackstock, K.L., Ingram, Julie ORCID logoORCID:, Burton, R., Brown, K.M. and Slee, B. (2010) Understanding and influencing behaviour change by farmers to improve water quality. Science of The Total Environment, 408 (23). pp. 5631-5638. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2009.04.029

Bradley, Dylan, Dwyer, Janet C ORCID logoORCID: and Hill, Berkeley (2010) The Evaluation of Rural Development Policy in the EU L’évaluation de la politique de développement rural dans l’Union européenne Die Evaluation der Politik zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums in der EU. EuroChoices, 9 (1). pp. 15-20. doi:10.1111/j.1746-692X.2010.00148.x

Braïda, Benoît, Bundhoo, Dilshaad ORCID logoORCID:, Engels, Bernd and Hiberty, Philippe C. (2008) Testing the Validity of the Conventional Resonance Model for Protonated Carbonyl, Imine and Thiocarbonyl Compounds. An Ab Initio Valence Bond Study. Organic Letters, 10 (10). pp. 1951-1954. doi:10.1021/ol800391d

Brown, A G, Basell, L S and Toms, Phillip ORCID logoORCID: (2019) The Quaternary rivers of the Jurassic Coast region: From the Neogene to the Anthropocene. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 130 (3-4). pp. 451-462. doi:10.1016/j.pgeola.2018.02.005

Bundhoo, Dilshaad ORCID logoORCID: and Lynch, Kenneth ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Pacing emotional labour of qualitative research in an intractable conflict environment. Area, 53 (1). pp. 47-55. doi:10.1111/area.12640

Bundhoo, Dilshaad ORCID logoORCID: and Powell, John R ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Negotiating a way towards consilience in managing conflicts over commons. In: 17th IASC Biennial Global Conference, ‘In Defence of the Commons: Challenges, Innovations and Actions’, 1-5 July 2019, Lima, Peru. (Unpublished)

Butler, Allan, Grice, Phil Le and Reed, Matt ORCID logoORCID: (2006) Delimiting knowledge transfer from training. Education + Training, 48 (8/9). pp. 627-641. doi:10.1108/00400910610710056


CCRI (2008) XII Biennial International Association for the Study of Commons (IASC) conference. CCRI, University of Gloucestershire. (Unpublished)

Carey, P D, Short, Christopher J ORCID logoORCID:, Morris, C, Hunt, J, Priscott, A, Davis, M, Finch, C, Curry, Nigel R, Little, W, Winter, M, Parkin, A and Firbank, L G (2003) The multi-disciplinary evaluation of a national agri-environment scheme. Journal of Environmental Management, 69 (1). pp. 71-91. doi:10.1016/S0301-4797(03)00120-8

Carrier, Michael and Powell, John R ORCID logoORCID: (2010) Mine Action Development Funding in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of ERW and Mine Action, 14 (3). pp. 25-28.

Chacowry, Anoradha, McEwen, Lindsey and Lynch, Kenneth ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Recovery and resilience of communities in flood risk zones in a Small Island Developing State: A case study from a suburban settlement of Port Louis, Mauritius. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 28. pp. 826-838. doi:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.03.019

Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID: (2012) Reconstructing and inferring past environmental change. In: The SAGE Handbook of Environmental Change. SAGE, pp. 67-91. ISBN 9780857023605

Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID:, Barber, Keith E, Maddy, Darrel and Brew, J (1997) A 5500-year proxy-climate and vegetation record from blanket mire at Talla Moss, Borders, Scotland. Holocene, 7 (4). pp. 391-399. doi:10.1177/095968369700700402

Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID:, Beilman, D W, Yu, Z and others (2011) Methods for determining peat humification and for quantifying peat bulk density, organic matter and carbon content for palaeostudies of climate and peatland carbon dynamics. Mires and Peat, 7 (7). pp. 1-10.

Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID: and Blackford, Jeffrey J (2001) Mid- and late-Holocene climatic changes: a test of periodicity and solar forcing in proxy-climate data from blanket peat bogs. Journal of Quaternary Science, 16 (4). pp. 329-338. doi:10.1002/jqs.596

Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID:, Booth, Robert K, De Vleeschouwer, Francois, Lamentowicz, Mariusz, Le Roux, Gael, Mauquoy, Dmitri, Nichols, Jonathan E and van Geel, Bas (2012) Development and refinement of proxy-climate indicators from peats. Quaternary International, 268. pp. 21-33.

Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID:, Brain, Sally A, Mauquoy, Dmitri, McCarroll, Julia and Daley, Tim (2014) The ‘Little Ice Age’in the Southern Hemisphere in the context of the last 3000 years: Peat-based proxy-climate data from Tierra del Fuego. Holocene, 24 (12). pp. 1649-1656. doi:10.1177/0959683614551232

Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID: and Charman, Dan J (2004) Holocene environmental change: contributions from the peatland archive. Holocene, 14 (1). pp. 1-6. doi:10.1191/0959683604hl684ed

Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID: and Daniell, John R (2011) Conservation and habitat restoration of moorland and bog in the UK uplands: a regional, paleoecological perspective. PAGES Newsletter, 19 (2). pp. 45-47.

Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID:, Daniell, John R, Hunt, John B, Molloy, Karen and O'Connell, Michael (2004) Tephrostratigraphy of An Loch Mór, Inis Oírr, western Ireland: implications for Holocene tephrochronology in the northeastern Atlantic region. Holocene, 14 (5). pp. 703-720. doi:10.1191/0959683604hl749rp

Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID:, Mauquoy, Dmitri, Brain, Sally A, Blaauw, Maarten and Daniell, John R (2007) Globally synchronous climate change 2800 years ago: Proxy data from peat in South America. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 253 (3-4). pp. 439-444. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2006.11.007

Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID:, Mauquoy, Dmitri and Todd, Pamela A (1999) Recent rise to dominance of Molinia caerulea in environmentally sensitive areas: new perspectives from palaeoecological data. Journal of Applied Ecology, 36 (5). pp. 719-733. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2664.1999.00435.x

Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID:, Ogle, Michael I and Blackford, Jeffrey J (1999) Palaeoenvironmental evidence for solar forcing of Holocene climate: linkages to solar science. Progress in Physical Geography, 23 (2). pp. 181-204. doi:10.1177/030913339902300202

Charman, D J, Beilman, D W, Blaauw, Maarten, Booth, R K, Brewer, S, Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID:, Christen, J A, Gallego-Sala, A, Harrison, S P, Hughes, P D and others (2013) Climate-related changes in peatland carbon accumulation during the last millennium. Biogeosciences, 10. pp. 929-944.

Chiswell, Hannah Marie ORCID logoORCID: (2013) Cultivating Narratives: Cultivating Successors — A Reply to Steiger et al. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development, 3 (2). pp. 25-28. doi:10.5304/jafscd.2013.032.016

Chiswell, Hannah Marie ORCID logoORCID: and Lobley, Matt (2018) “It’s definitely a good time to be a farmer”: understanding the changing dynamics of successor creation in late modern society. Rural Sociology, 83 (3). pp. 630-653. doi:10.1111/ruso.12205

Clarke, Lucy E ORCID logoORCID:, Quine, Timothy A and Nicholas, Andrew P (2008) An evaluation of the role of physical models in exploring form–process feedbacks in alluvial fans. In: Sediment Dynamics in Changing Environments. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, pp. 175-183. ISBN 978-1-901502-84-8

Clarke, Lucy E ORCID logoORCID:, Quine, Timothy A and Nicholas, Andrew P (2010) An experimental investigation of autogenic behaviour during alluvial fan evolution. Geomorphology, 115 (3-4). pp. 278-285. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2009.06.033

Clarke, Lucy E ORCID logoORCID:, Schillereff, Daniel N and Shuttleworth, Emma (2017) Communicating geomorphology: an empirical evaluation of the discipline’s impact and visibility. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42 (7). pp. 1148-1152. doi:10.1002/esp.4129

Clarke, Lucy E ORCID logoORCID: and Short, Christopher ORCID logoORCID: (2017) Isbourne Catchment Community Report: Potential for Natural Flood Management in the Catchment. Technical Report. University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham.

Courtney, Paul ORCID logoORCID:, Gaskell, Peter ORCID logoORCID:, Mills, Jane ORCID logoORCID:, Boase, Rosamund E, Cheese, Lizzi, Jones, Owain, Kubinakova, Katarina ORCID logoORCID:, Lewis, Nick ORCID logoORCID: and Urquhart, Julie ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Scoping Study on the Socio-Economic Benefits of Heritage in the National Parks - Final Report for English Heritage and Cadw. Project Report. CCRI, University of Gloucestershire.

Courtney, Paul ORCID logoORCID:, Hill, Gary and Roberts, Deborah (2006) The role of natural heritage in rural development: An analysis of economic linkages in Scotland. Journal of Rural Studies, 22 (4). pp. 469-484. doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2006.02.003

Courtney, Paul ORCID logoORCID:, Lépicier, Denis and Schmitt, Bertrand (2008) Spatial Patterns of Production Linkages in the Context of Europe's Small Towns: How Are Rural Firms Linked to the Local Economy? Regional Studies, 42 (3). pp. 355-374. doi:10.1080/00343400701291542

Courtney, Paul ORCID logoORCID:, Mayfield, Lucy, Tranter, Richard, Jones, Philip and Errington, Andrew (2007) Small towns as ‘sub-poles’ in English rural development: Investigating rural–urban linkages using sub-regional social accounting matrices. Geoforum, 38 (6). pp. 1219-1232. doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2007.03.006

Courtney, Paul ORCID logoORCID:, Mills, Jane ORCID logoORCID:, Gaskell, Peter ORCID logoORCID: and Chaplin, Stephen (2013) Investigating the incidental benefits of Environmental Stewardship schemes in England. Land Use Policy, 31. pp. 26-37. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2012.01.013

Courtney, Paul ORCID logoORCID: and Moseley, Malcom (2008) Determinants of Local Economic Performance: Experience from Rural England. Local Economy, 23 (4). pp. 305-318. doi:10.1080/02690940802408029

Curry, Nigel R (2012) Community Participation in Spatial Planning: Exploring Relationships between Professional and Lay Stakeholders. Local Government Studies, 38 (3). pp. 345-366. doi:10.1080/03003930.2011.642948

Curry, Nigel R (2009) Differentiating Trust in Rural Decision-making, Drawing on an English Case Study. Sociologia Ruralis, 50 (2). pp. 121-138. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9523.2009.00503.x

Curry, Nigel R (2009) The Disempowerment of Empowerment: How Stakeholding Clogs Up Rural Decision-making. Space and Polity, 13 (3). pp. 213-232. doi:10.1080/13562570903454309

Curry, Nigel R (2010) The Incompatibility of Economic Development Policies for Rural Areas in England. Local Economy, 25 (2). pp. 108-119. doi:10.1080/02690941003741101

Curry, Nigel R (2006) Landscapes for living and leisure. International Journal of Biodiversity Science and Management, 2 (3). pp. 134-137. doi:10.1080/17451590609618108

Curry, Nigel R (2008) Leisure in the landscape: rural incomes and public benefits. In: Drivers of environmental change in uplands. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 277-291. ISBN 978-0-415-56408-3

Curry, Nigel R (2009) National Parks. In: International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Elsevier Ltd, Oxford, pp. 229-235. ISBN 978-0-08-044910-4

Curry, Nigel R (2013) Planning and policy documents as transactions costs: the case of rural decision-making in England. Land Use Policy, 30 (1). pp. 711-718. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2012.05.017

Curry, Nigel R (2012) Sustainable rural development in England: Policy problems and equity consequences. Local Economy, 27 (2). pp. 95-102. doi:10.1177/0269094211428864

Curry, Nigel R (2011) Transactions costs in rural decision-making: the cases of funding and monitoring in rural development in England. Public Administration, 90 (3). pp. 622-641. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9299.2011.01983.x

Curry, Nigel R (2008) W(h)ither Rural: New Canons for old? [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Curry, Nigel R and Brown, Katrina (2010) Differentiating outdoor recreation: evidence drawn from national surveys in Scotland. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 2 (1). pp. 29-50. doi:10.1080/19407960903542300

Curry, Nigel R and Fisher, Rhiannon (2013) Being, belonging and bestowing: differing degrees of community involvement amongst rural elders in England and Wales. European Journal of Ageing, 10 (4). pp. 325-333. doi:10.1007/s10433-013-0277-5

Curry, Nigel R and Fisher, Rhiannon (2012) The role of trust in the development of connectivities amongst rural elders in England and Wales. Journal of Rural Studies, 28 (4). pp. 358-370. doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2012.06.005

Curry, Nigel R, Ingram, Julie ORCID logoORCID:, Kirwan, James ORCID logoORCID: and Maye, Damian ORCID logoORCID: (2012) Knowledge networks for sustainable agriculture in England. Outlook on Agriculture, 41 (4). pp. 243-248. doi:10.5367/oa.2012.0106

Curry, Nigel R and Ravenscroft, N. (2001) Countryside recreation provision in England: exploring a demand led approach. Land Use Policy, 18 (3). pp. 281-291. doi:10.1016/S0264-8377(01)00022-9

Curry, Nigel R and Webber, Don J (2012) Economic Performance in Rural England. Regional Studies, 46 (3). pp. 279-291. doi:10.1080/00343404.2010.505914


Daley, T J, Mauquoy, D, Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID:, Street-Perrott, F A, Hughes, P D, Loader, N J, Roland, T P, Bellen, S van, Garcia-Meneses, P and Lewin, S (2012) Investigating late Holocene variations in hydroclimate and the stable isotope composition of precipitation using southern South American peatlands: an hypothesis. Climate of the Past, 8 (5). pp. 1457-1471.

Davidson, Richard, Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID: and Ford, Willy (2014) Fuelling ultra light rail public transport from a Gloucestershire organic waste treatment plant: a feasibility analysis. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 14 (3). p. 290. doi:10.1504/IJEWM.2014.064586

De Vleeschouwer, F, Hughes, P D, Nichols, J E and Chambers, Frank M ORCID logoORCID: (2010) A review of protocols in peat palaeoenvironmental studies. Mires and Peat, 7. 00-1.

Derounian, James ORCID logoORCID: (2016) “Bring in the Graduates” – alumni contributions to HE T&L - Blog post. Teaching-focused in HE: THE GEES network.

Derounian, James ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Local Development: Cross-Border Potential Discovery. In: Sealed Door: The Future of Turkey-Armenia Border, 22-23 November 2014, Ankara University, Turkey.

Dunn, R M, Hopkins, A, Buller, Henry, Jones, Owain, Morris, C., Wood, J D, Whittington, F M and Kirwan, James ORCID logoORCID: (2007) Can biological diversity act as an input into sustainable rural development? A case-study using salt marsh-raised lamb. In: High Value Grassland: Providing Biodiversity, a Clean Environment and Premium Products. British Grassland Society, Cirencester, pp. 158-166.

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