One for all and all for one': the 3Es (employability, enterprise, and entrepreneurship)

Beaumont, Emily ORCID: 0000-0002-7318-2373 (2023) One for all and all for one': the 3Es (employability, enterprise, and entrepreneurship). In: How to enable the employability of university graduates. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 179-187. ISBN 9781803926506

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Employability, enterprise, and entrepreneurship (commonly referred to as the 3Es) are frequently addressed ‘as distinct, if not mutually exclusive concepts’ (Dean, 2010:21), existing in silos, with employability regularly separated from enterprise and entrepreneurship, the latter being habitually ‘lumped together’ because they appear akin. In the past 30 years, HE has experienced an employability agenda that has advanced both in terms of knowledge and understanding, but also in significance, making employability a priority for Universities (Quinlan and Renninger, 2002). At the same time, there has been a global increase in the provision of enterprise and entrepreneurship in HE (Bae et al., 2014; Nabi et al., 2017) and yet it has failed to match the magnitude of the employability agenda. Employability’s presence and prominence in published league tables are the most pervasive and persuasive of reasons for employability's dominance. However in this approach employability is deduced to a proxy measure extracted through the Graduate Outcomes (GO) Survey when there is a well-developed body of literature in employability, enterprise and entrepreneurship that over time has explored, and in some cases defined, a broader definition of these terms including elements such as the knowledge, skills, characteristics, behaviours, attributes and competencies etc that are required to enhance one's employability or enterprise and entrepreneurship capabilities. Through this approach its clear the 3Es share DNA and building blocks revealing that they are more closely related than current discourse and practice may have us believe. This chapter subsequently calls for a single model or framework for the 3Es, one that should be revisited to evolve over time, maintaining its relevance and currency to the stakeholders it serves.

Item Type: Book Section
Additional Information: This is a draft chapter/article. The final version is available in How to enable the employability of university graduates edited by Saskia Hansen and Kathy Daniels, published in 2023, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The material cannot be used for any other purpose without further permission of the publisher, and is for private use only.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Enterprise; Entrepreneurship; Employability; 3Es; League tables; Proxy measures
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > HF5001 Business
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB2300 Higher Education
Divisions: Schools and Research Institutes > School of Business, Computing and Social Sciences
Research Priority Areas: Applied Business & Technology
Depositing User: Rhiannon Goodland
Date Deposited: 31 Jul 2023 08:39
Last Modified: 11 Nov 2023 04:15

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