Esler, Philip F ORCID:, ed.
Christianity for the Twenty First Century.
T & T Clark, Edinburgh.
ISBN 978-0567086013
Berragan, Elizabeth ORCID:
Nursing practice draws upon several different ways of knowing.
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 7 (3).
pp. 209-217.
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Fishtank, 1998, 47min broadcast documentary commissioned by BBC2 and produced by Art Angel and Adam Curtis.
[Film / Video]
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic Urban Landscape Work exhibited in 'Close Echoes Public Body and Artificial Space' The Prague City Gallery, Czech Republic, (6 March - 31 May 1998) touring to Kunsthalle Krems, Austria (20 September - 22 November 1996).
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic Urban Landscape Work exhibited in 'Remix', Musée des Beaux Arts, Nantes, France, 1998.
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic Urban Landscape and Family Work Exhibited in 'Wounds: Between Democracy and Redemption in Contemporary Art', Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden (14 February – 19 April 1998).
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic Work Exhibited in '7de Zomer van de Fotografie', Museum voor Fotografie, Antwerp, Belgium, (28 June - 13 September 1998).
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic Work Exhibited in 'Life is a Bitch', De Appel, Amsterdam (4th September - 25th October 1998).
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic Work Exhibited in 'Malos Habitos', Galerie Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid (20 October - 21 November 1998).
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic Work Exhibited in 'UK Maximum Diversity', Galerie Krinzinger, Benger Fabrik Bregenz, Bregenz, Vienna, Austria, (15 July - 16 August 1998).
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic Work Exhibited in 'Women', Galerie Klemens Gasser und Tanja Grunert, Cologne (24 April. - 30 May 1998).
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic work Exhibited in 'Here to Stay', Plymouth Arts Centre (24 Oct - 5 Dec 1998), touring to Aberystwyth Arts Centre; The Metropole Arts Centre, Folkstone; The Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, Stoke on Trent; Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle and Turnpike Gallery, Leigh.
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic work exhibited in 'Head First - Portraits from the Arts Council Collection,' The City Gallery, Leicester (17 Jan – 28 Feb 1998) touring to Southampton City Art Gallery; Abbot Hall Art Gallery, Kendall; Hatton Art Gallery, Newcastle University; Victoria Art Gallery, Bath; Sheffield City Art Galleries and Ferens Art Gallery, Hull.
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Work Exhibited in 'Family', Inverleith House, Edinburgh, (1998) curated by Peter Fleissig.
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Work Exhibited in 'Not Strictly Private', Shed im Eisenwerk, Frauenfeld, Switzerland, 1998.
Binns, Tony and Lynch, Kenneth ORCID:
Feeding Africa's growing cities into the 21st century: the potential of urban agriculture.
Journal of International Development, 10 (6).
pp. 777-793.
Brown, Alan (1998) The persistence of practical criticism. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Catherwood, Dianne F, Drew, J, Hein, B and Graianger, H (1998) Haptic recognition in severe low-vision infants as assessed by a familiarization procedure. Journal of Vision Impairment and Blindness, 92 (3). pp. 212-215.
Donnelly, J. P. and Guy, Stuart (1998) Evaluation of a first stage pilot project to address offending behaviour in a mentally disordered offender population in Scotland. Psychiatric Care, 5 (3). pp. 106-108.
Esler, Philip F ORCID:
Routledge, London :.
ISBN 041511036x 0415110378
Gaskell, Peter ORCID: and Tanner, M
Landscape conservation policy and traditional farm buildings: A case study of field barns in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.
Landscape Research, 23 (3).
pp. 289-307.
Gaskell, Peter ORCID: and Winter, Michael
The Common Agricultural Policy and Gloucestershire.
Proceedings of the Summerfield Conference on Rural Gloucestershire.
University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, UK.
Gaskell, Peter ORCID: and Winter, Michael
Emerging landscapes of agricultural policy reform.
Landscape Research, 23 (3).
Hawkins, Rebecca and Middleton, Victor T. C. (1998) Sustainable tourism : a marketing perspective. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford. ISBN 0750623853
Hughes, John D ORCID:
Hardy and the Life of Birds.
Thomas Hardy Journal, xiv (3).
pp. 68-77.
Hughes, John D ORCID:
Wittgenstein and Literature.
Philosophical Inquiry, xxiv.
pp. 13-21.
James, David V ORCID: and Doust, Jonathan H
Oxygen Uptake During Moderate Intensity Running: Response Following a Single Bout of Interval Training.
European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 77 (6).
pp. 551-555.
Jennings, Ros ORCID:
Prime Suspect.
Museum of Broadcasting Encyclopedia of Television.
Fitzroy Dearborn, London.
Jones, Tracy A. (1998) UK hotel operators use of budgetary procedures. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 10 (3). pp. 96-100. doi:10.1108/09596119810210279
MacLean, Malcolm ORCID:
From Old Soldiers to Old Youth: Political Leadership and Aotearoa/New Zealand’s 1981 Springbok Rugby Tour.
Occasional Papers in Football Studies, 1 (1).
pp. 22-36.
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Catching Fire and Kilmakerrill.
Murray, Matthew ORCID:
Matthew Murray's photograph - Sean, 1996 included in the Coming to Light Exhibtion and Catalogue Birmingham Museum and Arts Gallery.
Coming To Light.
Birmingham Libraries and Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham, p. 125.
ISBN 0709302282
Özbilgin, Mustafa Fatih (1998) A cross-cultural comparative analysis of sex equality in the financial services sector in Turkey and Britain. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Parker, Don ORCID:
[Film / Video]
Simblet, Sarah (1998) Drawing as a method of analysis and transformation in relation to the human form. :How the study of human dissection and the practice of drawing can be brought together to describe simultaneous views of the interior and exterior of the body. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Stibbe, Arran ORCID:
The role of image systems in complementary medicine.
Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 6 (4).
pp. 190-194.
Townsend, Marisia Jean (1998) The palaeogeography of the Lower Cretaceous Aysén Basin of southern Chile. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Vare, Paul ORCID:
ECoSA: A Report on a Pan-African Environmental Education Survey.
Environmental Education Research, 4 (1).
pp. 5-24.
Webster, David R (1998) The Buddha in the Machine: Buddhism and Artificial Intelligence. Philosopher: Journal of the Philosophical Society of England, 86 (1).
Winter, Michael, Evans, N and Gaskell, Peter ORCID:
Winter, M. Evans, N and Gaskell, P. (1998) The CAP Beef Regime in England and its Impact on Nature Conservation, English Nature Research Report No 265.
Project Report.
English Nature.
Winter, Michael and Gaskell, Peter ORCID:
The Agenda 2000 debate and CAP reform in Great Britain. Is the environment being sidelined?
Land Use Policy, 15.
pp. 217-231.
Winter, Michael and Gaskell, Peter ORCID:
The Effects of the 1992 Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy on the Countryside of Great Britain, Volume 2 Main Findings.
Project Report.
Countryside and Community Press and Countryside Commission.
Winter, Michael and Gaskell, Peter ORCID:
The Effects of the 1992 Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy on the Countryside of Great Britain, Volume 3 Appendices.
Project Report.
Countryside and Community Press and Countryside Commission.
Winter, Michael and Gaskell, Peter ORCID:
The Effects of the 1992 Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy on the Countryside of Great Britain, volume 1.
Project Report.
Countryside and Community Press and Countryside Commission.
Winter, Michael and Gaskell, Peter ORCID:
From MacSharry to Cork and Beyond: CAP Reform, Environmental Agriculture and Integrated Rural Development.
In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference, Kingston, London, UK.
Winter, Michael, Gaskell, Peter ORCID: and Short, Christopher J
Upland landscapes in Britain and the 1992 CAP reforms.
Landscape Research, 23 (3).
pp. 273-288.
Wynn, Martin G ORCID:
HP Bulmer Information Technology Strategy: Main Business Applications.
Discussion Paper.
HP Bulmer Ltd., Hereford, UK.
Wynn, Martin G ORCID: and Flower, Robin
Building a Customer Profitability System based on OLAP technology.
In: Customer Profitability: FMCG, February 24th/25th, 1998, London.