Barker, Tom (2010) Interactive Polymedia Pixel and Protocol for Collaborative creative content generation on urban digital media displays. International Conference on New Media and Interactivity, 2010. pp. 1-7.
Barker, Tom (2012) Learning from media studies theory and design practice: using the interpretive nature of film media for the communication of tacit knowledge in design research. Conference Proceedings: Volume 01 Design Research Society 2012: Bangkok. pp. 76-89.
Barker, Tom (2010) NextGen: a multimodal approach to the next generation of Australian affordable housing in the context of the global housing affordability crisis. In: ENHR 2010-European Network for Housing Research 22nd Conference: Urban Dynamics and Housing Change (ENHR 2010), 4 July 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
Barker, Tom (2010) A competitive game-based method for brainstorming and evaluating early stage design ideas in terms of their likelihood of success in the marketplace. Design Research Society Conference Proceeding 2010. pp. 1-9.
Barker, Tom (2011) The masterplanning toolbox: an early stage design tool for the synthesis and evaluation of multimodal complexities at a city scale for urban design conceptualisation. In: IASDR Conference: Diversity and Unity, October 31 - November 4, 2011, Delft, the Netherlands.
Barker, Tom (2011) A phased city energy platform for networked precinct buildings in the context of management information systems and smart grids. In: Management and Innovation for a Sustainable Built Environment MISBE 2011. CIB, Working Commissions.
Barker, Tom and Haeusler, Hank (2010) Achieving a designed customer experience across multiple delivery platforms: A telco perspective. International Conference of New Media and Interactivity, 2010. pp. 133-140.
Barker, Tom and Haeusler, Hank (2010) Urban Digital Media: facilitating the intersection between science, the arts and culture in the arena of technology and building. New Frontiers: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia. pp. 457-466.
Barker, Tom, Haeusler, Hank, Maguire, F and McDermott, J (2009) Politics and Demographic, Questions of Crowd Based Interface and Polling. In: 21st Annual Conference of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group (CHISIG) of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia (HFESA), 23 - 27 November 2009, Melbourne, Australia.
Barker, Tom and Kokotovich, V (2010) The impact of modular product design on innovation compared with design from first principles. Conference Proceedings, Design and Complexity, Design Research Society International Conference, 2010. pp. 1-11.
Crone, Diane ORCID:, Sumner, Rachel C
ORCID:, Baker, Colin M
ORCID:, Loughren, Elizabeth A, Hughes, Samantha
ORCID: and James, David V
‘Artlift’ arts-on-referral intervention in UK primary care: updated findings from an ongoing observational study.
European Journal of Public Health, 28 (3).
pp. 404-409.
Davison, Bob (2016) Borders. [Show/Exhibition]
Evans, Emma (2017) Tales through others' eyes. The Cheltenham Illustration Awards 2017. Pittville Press, Cheltenham.
Ferry, Emma ORCID:
'... information for the ignorant and aid for the advancing...' Macmillan's 'Art at Home'series, 1876-83.
Design and the modern magazine.
Manchester University Press, pp. 134-155.
ISBN 9780719075490
Ferry, Emma ORCID:
‘“A pair of scissors, and one daring, if trembling snip-!” Making Mrs Oliphant’s Dress’.
Victorian Review.
(In Press)
Fisher, James (2009) I came here a Stranger, as a Stranger I Depart: an Investigation into the Relationship between Drawing and Narrative of Place. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Haeusler, Hank, Tomitsch, Martin, Gardner, Nicole and Barker, Tom (2011) Last train to trancentral – From infrastructure to ‘info’structure – a case study of embedding digital technology into existing public transport infrastructures. In: Circuit bending, breaking and mending : proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2011), 27 - 29 April 2011, The University of Newcastle, Australia.
Hall, A and Barker, Tom (2010) Design collectives in education: evaluating the atelier format and the use of teaching narrative for collective cultural and creative learning, and the subsequent impact on professional practice. Alternative Practices in Design: The Collective Past, Present and Future: Symposium Proceedings 2010. pp. 5-15.
Hall, Ashley and Barker, Tom (2011) Design and Geographically Liberated Difference. Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, 5 (3). pp. 507-516.
Hall, H and Barker, Tom (2011) Design and Geographically Liberated Difference. In: Design Today, Design Principles and Practice, 5th International Conference, 2 - 4 February 2011, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
Hall, Kimberly Ellen ORCID:
Big Visions: Navigating Community and Mural-Making.
Working Titles: Journal for Practice-Based Research, 1 (2).
pp. 1-16.
Hall, Kimberly Ellen ORCID:
Drawing Is Contagious.
In: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Conference: Advance HE, March 16-17, 2022, Manchester, UK.
Hall, Kimberly Ellen ORCID:
Drawing Trash.
Colouring In "The Past" (3).
pp. 87-88.
Hall, Kimberly Ellen ORCID:
Teaching/Not Teaching: A Community Oriented Process in the Classroom.
In: 11th Illustration Research Symposium, 11-12 February 2021, Kingston University, London UK.
Hall, Kimberly Ellen ORCID:
Teaching/Not Teaching: A Community-Oriented Practice in the Classroom.
Pittville Press, Cheltenham.
Hall, Kimberly Ellen ORCID:
We Make the Library by Being in It.
In: BIG IDEAS, CHALLENGING QUESTIONS IFLA Satellite Conference – Art Libraries Section, 17-19 August 2023, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.
Hall, Kimberly Ellen ORCID: and El Masri, Omar
Inclusivity and Place: Where a University and Neighbours
Draw Together.
In: AMPS research: Teaching Beyond the Curriculum, Focus on Pedagogy 2023, 15-17 November 2023, online.
Hall, Kimberly Ellen ORCID: and El Masri, Omar
St Paul's Community Mural Project Paint Days Exhibition.
Hall, Kimberly Ellen ORCID: and El Masri, Omar
Us and them: We draw together: Exploring inclusivity in a community mural project.
Journal of Illustration, 11 (2).
pp. 347-372.
Hounsome, Georgina ORCID:
Self published, Bristol.
Howell, David ORCID:
The mystery of museums in graphic novels.
Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 6 (4).
pp. 419-429.
Maani, Leila (2014) Encouraging the Acquistion of Drawing Skills in Game Design: a Case Study. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Moore, Kayleigh J (2012) Closer to home: a creative and critical autoethnographical analysis of the motivations and creative process behind writing violence. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Neal, Allison R. B. (2017) An Examination, through Drawing, of the Text of Gilgamesh and How Translation and Transcription Can Inform Contemporary Drawing Practice. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
O'Mahony, M and Barker, Tom (2011) The value of industry-academic collaborations in sportswear to create game changing re-use of textiles. In: IASDR Conference: Diversity and Unity, October 31 - November 4, 2011, Delft, the Netherlands.
O'Mahony, Marie and Barker, Tom (2012) The role of the textile materials library: Providing access to multimodal knowledge in design research. Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education, 10 (2). pp. 199-215. doi:10.1386/adch.10.2.199_1
O'Mahony, Marie and Barker, Tom (2012) The role of the textile materials library: Providing access to multimodal knowledge in design research. In: SkinDeep - experiential knowledge and multi sensory communication, 23 - 24 June 2011, University for the Creative Arts, Farnham Castle, UK. ISSN 1474273X
Obata, Fumio ORCID:
Illustrated reportage of environmental disasters.
Obata, Fumio ORCID:
Just So Happens.
Jonathan Cape, London.
ISBN 9780224096638
Obata, Fumio ORCID:, France, Angela
ORCID:, Morrison, Andrew, McLoughlin, Nigel F
ORCID:, Phelps, Kieren, McMillan, Ian, Phelps, Dolores, Saunders, Anna, Evans, Emma and Hegley, John
Phelps, Dolores (2018) Constellations of Conscience symposium - Consciousness, structure, agency. In: Constellations of Conscience: Illustration practice symposium, November 14 2018, Museum in the Park, Stroud. (Unpublished)
Phelps, Dolores (2017) Right to Narrate. In: The Right To Narrate, stories and ways of telling, ways of listening, Mini - symposium, 22 November 2017, Museum in the Park, Stroud. (Unpublished)
Phelps, Kieren (2014) Bookcycle. Cannop Workings, UK.
Phelps, Kieren (2018) Exciting Cycling. [Artefact]
Phelps, Kieren (2019) The New Everything. [Artefact]
Phelps, Kieren (2015) Shallow Drifts, Dipples and Deep Scowles. Cannop Workings, UK.
Phelps, Kieren (2016) Two Brothers. Cannop Workings, UK.
Phelps, Kieren (2017) You cannot speak to Mr Smith: he is Dead. Cannop Workings, UK.
Simblet, Sarah (1998) Drawing as a method of analysis and transformation in relation to the human form. :How the study of human dissection and the practice of drawing can be brought together to describe simultaneous views of the interior and exterior of the body. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Southern, Jack (2016) Are ‘traditional’ Drawing approaches merely an antidote to the digital world, or are original and authentic drawn responses more important than ever? In: The Association of Art Historians 2017 Annual Conference & Book Fair, 6-8 April, 2017, Loughborough University.
Williams, Michelle A, McDonough, Margaret and Edge, Steve (2017) Interdisciplinary circular economy design education through local and regional partnerships. PLATE: Product Lifetimes And The Environment, 9. pp. 432-436. doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-820-4-432
Wilson, Sean Michael and Obata, Fumio ORCID:
The Garden.
Liminal 11.
ISBN 9781912634163