Items where Subject is "HG4001 Finance management. Business finance"

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Abdel Qader, Muath Bassam Khaled ORCID logoORCID: (2020) The Compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the GCC Member States: Does Corporate Governance Matter? PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/AD17UQ61

Abdelqader, Muath ORCID logoORCID:, Darwish, Tamer K ORCID logoORCID: and Nimer, Khalil (2022) Corporate Governance and IFRS in the Middle East: Compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards. Routledge Studies in Corporate Governance . Routledge, New York. ISBN 9781003211556

Abdelqader, Muath ORCID logoORCID:, Nimer, Khalil and Darwish, Tamer K ORCID logoORCID: (2021) IFRS compliance in GCC countries: Do corporate governance mechanisms make a difference? International Journal of Disclosure and Governance. doi:10.1057/s41310-021-00123-3

Agbara, Abdelmeneim Hassan (2011) An Investigation into Audit Quality in Libya. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Ahmmed, Khondokar Farid (2018) Exploring the Role of Private Commercial Banks (PCBs) in Increasing SMEs’ Financial Accessibility in Developing Countries: A study in Bangladesh. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Al-Daragi, Hassan Ahmed (2011) Choice of capital structure: a study of Libyan companies a comparison with UK companies. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Al-Moataz, E and Hussainey, Khaled (2013) Determinants of corporate governance disclosure in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Economics and Management.

Al-Najjar, B and Hussainey, Khaled (2009) The association between dividend payout and outside directorships. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 10 (1 SRC). pp. 4-19. doi:10.1108/09675420910963360

Al-Nodel, Ali and Hussainey, Khaled (2010) Corporate governance and financing decisions by Saudi companies?’. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 6 (8 SRC). pp. 1-14.

Alfordy, Faisal D. (2016) The Impact of Saudi Arabian Culture on Minority Shareholders’ Rights. PhD thesis, University of Gloucesterhsire.

Alhabashi, Khaled (2015) Financing for Small and Medium Enterprises: The Role of Islamic Financial Institutions in Kuwait. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Aly, Doaa A ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Developing Accountability Disclosure Index for Malaysian State Islamic Religious Councils (SIRCs): Quantity and Quality. Malaysian Accounting Review, 17 (1). pp. 1-18.

Aly, Doaa A ORCID logoORCID:, Abdelqader, Muath ORCID logoORCID:, Darwish, Tamer K ORCID logoORCID: and Katarzyna, Scott (2023) The impact of healthcare board characteristics on NHS trust performance. Public Money and Management, 43 (6). pp. 594-601. doi:10.1080/09540962.2021.2022272

Aly, Doaa A ORCID logoORCID:, Hussainey, Khaled and Elhalaby, Sherif (2018) Tone Disclosure and Financial Performance: Evidence from Egypt. Accounting Research Journal, 31 (1). pp. 63-74. doi:10.1108/ARJ-09-2016-0123

Arnold, Nicole (2020) Microfoundations of Strategic Decision Rationality in M&A : A Dyadic Investigation between Germany and China. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/KJ99WE45

Assenga, Modest, Aly, Doaa A ORCID logoORCID: and Hussainey, Khaled (2018) The impact of board characteristics on the financial performance of Tanzanian firms. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 18 (6). pp. 1089-1106. doi:10.1108/CG-09-2016-0174

Assenga, Modest (2016) The Impact of Board Characteristics on the Financial Performance of Tanzanian Firms. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/BUKJ5571


Belgasem, Abdulfatah A. (2011) An exploration of managers' moral reasoning regarding the ethics of earnings management : Evidence from Libya. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Birk, Michael (2018) Empirical Research on Financial Notes to the Accounts and Earnings Management. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Bown, G Robin ORCID logoORCID: (2015) 2015 Colloquium Booklet Complete Papers. In: DBA and DMC Doctoral Colloquium, 12/06/2015 - 13/06/2015, Cheltenham. (Unpublished)

Brodowski, Anne Katrin (2019) Exploring the constituents of Investor Relations in a crisis in Germany: antecedents, consequences and role. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/BUSI2584

Buettner, Haiko R. M. (2017) The European Alternative Investment Fund Manager Directive (AIFMD): impacts on existing alternative fund managers’ traditional business models. DBA thesis, University of Gloucestershire.


Checkley, Matthew (2009) Inadvertent Systemic Risk in Financial Networks: Venture Capital and Institutional Funds. Long Range Planning, 42 (3). pp. 341-358. doi:10.1016/j.lrp.2009.06.001.

Checkley, Matthew, Anóñ Higón, D and Alles, C (2017) The Hasty Wisdom of the Mob: How Market Sentiment Predicts Stock Market Behavior. Expert Systems with Applications, 77. pp. 256-263. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2017.01.029

Checkley, Matthew, Hiģon, Delores A and Angwin, Duncan (2010) Venture capital syndication and its causal relationship with performance outcomes. Strategic Change, 19 (5/6). pp. 195-212. doi:10.1002/jsc.870.

Cross, P, Prowle, Malcolm J and Harradine, Don (2015) An examination of the resistors and challenges in the NHS commissioner/provider relationship. Journal of Finance and Management in Public Services, 14 (1). pp. 41-59.

Czernay, Christian (2020) Turnaround Plans in Germany: Recommendations for Development and Implementation. DBA thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/POIU4297


Elfakhakhri, Elsalhen R. (2012) The readiness and ability of accounting practitioners in Libya to implement IFRS with reference to revenue recognition as a case example. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Eltaweel, Mukhtar E. (2011) Financing of Small Businesses in the Libyan Economic Environment. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.


Garland, Martine ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Antecedents and outcomes of income diversification in higher education: A resource-based view. DBA thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Garland, Martine ORCID logoORCID: (2020) How vulnerable are you? Assessing the financial health of England’s universities. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, 24 (2). pp. 43-52. doi:10.1080/13603108.2019.1689374

Grivins, Mikelis, Thorsoe, Martin and Maye, Damian ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Financial subjectivities in the agricultural sector: a comparative analysis of relations between farmers and banks in Latvia, Denmark and the UK. Journal of Rural Studies, 86. pp. 117-126. doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.06.006


Hagel, Michael W. (2018) An exploration of international acquisition and Joint Venture collaboration as means for closing strategic deficiencies of automotive suppliers: Providing an evidence-based advisory framework for cross-border transactions with US partners. DBA thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Haggenmüller, Sascha (2019) Revenue Recognition under IFRS 15: A Critical Evaluation of Predefined Purposes and Implications for Improvement. DBA thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Harder, Johannes Georg (2020) The impact of financial Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Forward- Looking Disclosures (FLDs) on Market Value (MV). DBA thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/BUAC4198

Hasan, Arshad, Aly, Doaa A ORCID logoORCID: and Hussainey, Khaled (2022) Corporate governance and financial reporting quality: a comparative study. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 22 (6). pp. 1308-1326. doi:10.1108/CG-08-2021-0298

Hasan, Riffat (2021) The relevance and impact of regulatory requirements on German financial institutions’ outsourcing activities. DBA thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/M3U9AD42

Herrmann, Matthias (2023) Improving financial decision making within German SMEs by incorporating digitalization within an expanded FAP model. DBA thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/YY99V7M3

Hussainey, Khaled and Mouselli, S (2010) Disclosure quality and stock returns in the UK. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 11 (2). pp. 154-174. doi:10.1108/09675421011069513

Hussainey, Khaled and Walker, Martin (2009) The effects of voluntary disclosure policy and dividend propensity on prices leading earnings. Accounting and Business Research,, 39 (1). pp. 37-55. doi:10.1080/00014788.2009.9663348


Jones, Peter ORCID logoORCID: and Wynn, Martin G ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Nature Positive in Business. Encyclopedia, 4 (2). pp. 776-784. doi:10.3390/encyclopedia4020049

Jones, Tracy A (2008) Changes in hotel industry budgetary practice. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20 (4). pp. 428-444.

Jones, Tracy A. (2010) Identifying managers' information needs in hotel companies. In: Accounting and Finance for the International Hopsitality Industry. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, pp. 163-181. ISBN 9781136431685

Jones, Tracy A. (1998) UK hotel operators use of budgetary procedures. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 10 (3). pp. 96-100. doi:10.1108/09596119810210279


Kaerner, Heinzpeter (2021) An Exploration of the Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Psychological Contract of SME Senior Managers. DBA thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/BA51TR66

Khafagy, Amr ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Finance, distribution and the economic objective of cooperative financial institutions. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 90 (3). pp. 487-511. doi:10.1111/apce.12216

Khafagy, Amr ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Regulation, supervision and deposit insurance for financial cooperatives: an empirical investigation. Annals of Finance, 14 (2). pp. 143-193. doi:10.1007/s10436-017-0307-y

Kifle, Henok (2019) Impact of EMIR and BASEL III on Non-Financial-Corporates’ Hedging Activities and their Response. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/AARP3001

Klundt, Eduard, Towers, Neil ORCID logoORCID: and Bechkoum, Kamal ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Lean and agile supply strategies in distribution centres to deliver Value Added Services (VAS). Logistics, 8 (3). art 67. doi:10.3390/logistics8030067


Lefley, Frank and Ryan, Bob ORCID logoORCID: (2005) The financial appraisal profile model. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 140394752X

Liehr, Benjamin (2017) The Estimation of ERP Lifecyle Costs: A Quantitative Analysis of Cost Types and Cost Drivers for German Small and Mid-Sized Companies. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Lind, Stella C. H. (2019) Exploring the Role of Organisational Trust in Mergers and Acquisitions M/A Processes in Family Firms. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Lorenz, Angela (2015) Contemporary Management Accounting in the UK Service Sector. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.


Maxion, Claude (2023) The Alignment-Theory of Product Cost Management. A Classic Grounded Theory Approach. DBA thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/7Q6V2JT8

Micha, Evgenia ORCID logoORCID:, Tsakiridis, Andreas and Ragkos, Athanasios (2018) Assessing the importance of soil testing in fertilizer use intensity: an econometric analysis of phosphorus fertilizer allocation in dairy farm systems. In: 30th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, 28 July - 2 August, 2018, Vancouver.

Mohamed, Abeer Abdulmoniem (2010) A Proposed Strategic Management Accounting Model for Profitability: An Empirical Study. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Mohamed, Abeer Abdulmoniem and Jones, Tracy A (2014) Relationship between strategic management accounting techniques and profitability-a proposed model. Measuring Business Excellence, 18 (3). pp. 1-22. doi:10.1108/MBE-04-2013-0023

Murray, Matthew ORCID logoORCID: (2004) TBWA makes finances easy. Campaign.


Nimer, Khalil, Abdelqader, Muath ORCID logoORCID: and Darwish, Tamer K ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Firm Characteristics and the Level of IFRS Compliance and Disclosure in GCC Countries. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 18 (2). pp. 215-240. doi:10.1504/IJBGE.2024.137129


Pankow, Susann (2024) The Risk Channel in the Transmission Mechanism Of Monetary Policy in the European Monetary Union Based on German Data. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/7T9RKU3A

Prowle, Malcolm J (2013) Re-Balancing the Roles of Public and Private Health Sectors in Wales. International Journal of Public and Private Healthcare Management and Economics, 3 (3). pp. 29-43. doi:10.4018/ijpphme.2013070103

Prowle, Malcolm J and Harradine, Don (2014) Austerity and financial governance: a UK case study of the National Health Service. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 27 (3). pp. 212-224. doi:10.1108/IJPSM-02-2013-0028

Prowle, Malcolm J and Harradine, Don (2015) Sustainable Health Care Systems: An International Study. American Journal of Medical Research, 2 (2). pp. 188-210.

Prowle, Malcolm J and Harradine, Don (2015) Sustainable Health Services: An international study. Technical Report. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), London.


Relja, Ruffin ORCID logoORCID:, Ward, Philippa ORCID logoORCID: and Lifen Zhao, Anita (2024) The Buy-Now-Pay-Later Ecosystem - New (Algo)Rhythms of Spending and Reframed Relationships. In: Digital Project Practice for Banking and FinTech. Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, pp. 121-134. ISBN 9781003395560

Rohm, Martin (2017) Modelling Critical Success Factors of International Joint Ventures in Real Estate Development: Perspective of a Capital Investor. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Rossenbach, Tim D. (2018) The development of a management accounting system for decentralised construction companies. DBA thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/REPO8523

Ryan, Bob ORCID logoORCID: (2007) Corporate finance and valuation. Thompson Learning, London. ISBN 184480271X

Ryan, Bob ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Finance and Accounting for Business. Cengage, London. ISBN 1844808971


Saintot, Valérie M ORCID logoORCID: and Lehtonen, Miikka J (2024) Transcendental and Material Silence: A Multimodal Study on Silence in Team Meetings. Journal of Management Inquiry, 33 (1). pp. 62-76. doi:10.1177/10564926231155110

Schmidt, Daniel (2017) Corporate Syndicated Loan Pricings in Germany: an Exploration of the Hidden Drivers. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Schulte, Stephan (2019) A new model of competitor accounting for the German Mechanical Engineering Sector. DBA thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/KLVB3407

Singh, Satwinder, Wood, Geoffrey, Darwish, Tamer K ORCID logoORCID: and Alharbi, Jaithen (2016) Control mechanisms of MNEs: an empirical study. Multinational Business Review, 24 (3). pp. 279-300. doi:10.1108/MBR-07-2016-0027

Stilla, Angelo (2017) Determining the Indemnity of Retiring SME Owners in Germany: Taking into Account SMES’ Specific Characteristics. DBA thesis, University of Gloucestershire.


Taher, Abdalmatlub (2011) An Empirical Analysis of the Growth and Structure of the Libyan Non-Oil Productive Sectors. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Trotter, Ludwig, Harding, Mike, Elsden, Chris, Abadi, Aydin, Davies, Nigel, Vines, John, Shaw, Peter, Speed, Chris and Hallwright, Josh (2020) Smart Donations: Event-Driven Conditional Donations Using Smart Contracts on The Blockchain. In: OzCHI '20: 32nd Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), pp. 546-557. ISBN 9781450389754


Wermescher, Christina (2019) Key Contributors to Business Insolvencies and the Effects of Business Insolvencies to the Entrepreneurs. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/WERM2793

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