Alexanders, Jenny, Anderson, Anna and Henderson, Sarah L ORCID:
Musculoskeletal physiotherapists’ use of psychological interventions A Systematic Review.
Physiotherapy, 101.
pp. 95-102.
Almalki, M, Alrashidi, M, O'Connell, Mark ORCID:, Shobrak, M and Szekely, T
Modelling the distribution of wetland birds on the Red Sea coast in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 13 (1).
pp. 67-84.
Anderson, E. and Bullingham, Rachael ORCID:
Openly Lesbian Team Sport Athletes in an Era of Decreasing Homohysteria.
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 50 (6).
pp. 647-660.
Arnold, Rachel and Sarkar, Mustafa (2015) Preparing athletes and teams for the Olympic Games: Experiences and lessons learned from the world's best sport psychologists. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 13 (1). pp. 4-20. doi:10.1080/1612197X.2014.932827
Ayala, Francisco, De Ste Croix, Mark B ORCID:, Sainz de Baranda, P. and Santonja, F.
Acute effects of two different stretching techniques on isokinetic strength and power.
Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte, 8 (3).
pp. 93-102.
Baker, Colin ORCID:, Loade, Carol and Crone, Diane
Awareness of automated external defibrillators in the community: a local study.
British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 10 (9).
pp. 444-451.
Baker, Colin ORCID:, Loughren, Elizabeth A, Crone, Diane
ORCID: and Kallfa, Nevila
Patients' perceptions of a NHS Health Check in the primary care setting.
Quality in Primary Care, 22 (5).
pp. 232-237.
Baker, Colin ORCID:, Loughren, Elizabeth A, Crone, Diane
ORCID: and Kallfa, Nevilla
Perceptions of health professionals involved in the implementation of a NHS Health Check care pathway in the primary care setting.
Practice Nursing, 26 (12).
pp. 608-612.
Baker, Colin ORCID:, Loughren, Elizabeth A, Crone, Diane
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A process evaluation of the NHS Health Check care pathway in a primary care setting.
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pp. 202-209.
Baldock, Robert A ORCID:, Day, Matthew, Wilkinson, Oliver J, Cloney, Ross, Jeggo, Penelope A, Oliver, Antony W, Watts, Felicity Z and Pearl, Laurence H
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pp. 2081-2089.
Bennett, Rachel ORCID:, Chepngeno-Langat, Gloria, Evandrou, Maria and Falkingham, Jane
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Social Science and Medicine, 128.
pp. 159-167.
Bennett, Rachel ORCID:, Hosegood, Victoria, Newell, Marie-Louise and McGrath, Nuala
An Approach to Measuring Dispersed Families with a Particular Focus on Children ‘Left Behind’ by Migrant Parents: Findings from Rural South Africa.
Population, Space and Place, 21 (4).
pp. 322-334.
Bennett, Rachel ORCID:, Hosegood, Victoria, Newell, Marie-Louise and McGrath, Nuala
Understanding Family Migration in Rural South Africa: Exploring Children's Inclusion in the Destination Households of Migrant Parents.
Population, Space and Place, 21 (4).
pp. 310-321.
Bluett, Kelly A, De Ste Croix, Mark B ORCID: and Lloyd, Rhodri S
A preliminary investigation into concurrent aerobic and resistance training in youth runners.
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pp. 77-85.
Bremner, Andrew, Imai, Mutsumi, Miyazaki, Michiko, Yeung, H. Henny, Hidaka, Shohei, Kantartzis, Katerina ORCID:, Okada, Hiroyuki and Kita, Sotaro
Sound Symbolism Facilitates Word Learning in 14-Month-Olds.
PLoS ONE, 10 (2).
Brown, A G, Basell, L S and Toms, Phillip ORCID:
A stacked Late Quaternary fluvio-periglacial sequence from the Axe valley, southern England with implications for landscape evolution and Palaeolithic archaeology.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 116.
pp. 106-121.
Clarke, Lucy E ORCID:
Experimental alluvial fans: Advances in understanding of fan dynamics and processes.
Geomorphology, 244.
pp. 135-145.
De Ste Croix, Mark B ORCID:, Elnagar, Youssif O, Iga, John, James, David V
ORCID: and Ayala, Francisco
Electromechanical delay of the hamstrings during eccentric muscle actions in males and females: Implications for non-contact ACL injuries.
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 25 (6).
pp. 901-906.
De Ste Croix, Mark B ORCID:, Priestley, Abigail M, Lloyd, R S and Oliver, J L
ACL injury risk in elite female youth soccer: Changes in neuromuscular control of the knee following soccer-specific fatigue.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 25 (5).
Deakin-Crick, Ruth, Huang, Shaofu, Shafi, Adeela ORCID: and Goldspink, Chis
Developing Resilient Agency in Learning: The Internal Structure of Learning Power.
British Journal of Educational Studies, 63 (2).
pp. 121-160.
Dearing, John, Acma, B, Bub, S, Chambers, Frank M ORCID:, Chen, X, Cooper, J, Crook, D, Dong, X, Dotterweich, M, Edwards, M, Foster, T, Gaillard, M, Galop, D, Gell, P, Gil, A, Jeffers, E, Jones, R, Anupama, K, Langdon, P, Marchant, R, Mazier, F, McLean, C, Nunes, L, Sukumar, R, Suryaprakash, I, Umer, M, Yang, X, Wang, R and Zhang, K
Social-ecological systems in the Anthropocene: The need for integrating social and biophysical records at regional scales.
Anthropocene Review, 2 (3).
pp. 220-246.
Dickson, Tabitha, Fryer, Simon M ORCID:, Blackwell, Gavin, Marshall, Helen, Stone, Keeron J
ORCID:, Aspe, Rodrigo R. and Draper, Nick
Effect of Ability and Style of Ascent on Psychophysiological Responses to Difficult On-sight Rock Climbing.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 47.
pp. 368-372.
El Ansari, Walid, Lyubovnikova, Joanne, Middleton, Hugh, Dawson, Jeremy F., Naylor, Paul B. and West, Michael A. (2015) Development and psychometric evaluation of a new team effectiveness scale for all types of community adult mental health teams: a mixed-methods approach. Health and Social Care in the Community, 24 (3). pp. 309-320. doi:10.1111/hsc.12203
El Ansari, Walid, Rahman, Sajjad, Nimeri, Nuha, Latiph, Emirah, Yousafzai, Mohammad Tahir and Tohid, Hiba (2015) Level of maternal education is a significant determinant of neonatal survival: a PEARL study analysis. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan : JCPSP, 25 (2). pp. 151-153. doi:PMID: 25703764
El Ansari, Walid, Vallentin-Holbech, Lotte and Stock, Christiane (2015) Predictors of Illicit Drug Use Among University Students in Northern Ireland, Wales and England. Global Journal of Health Science, 7 (4). pp. 18-29. doi:10.5539/gjhs.v7n4p18
Elcock, Jonathan and Jones, Dai P ORCID:
Teaching conceptual issues through historical understanding.
History and Philosophy of Psychology, 16 (1).
pp. 4-12.
Elntib, Stamatis, Wagstaff, Graham F. and Wheatcroft, Jacqueline M. ORCID:
The role of account length in detecting deception in written and orally produced autobiographical accounts using reality monitoring.
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 12 (2).
pp. 185-198.
Fryer, Simon M ORCID:, Cornwall, J, Stone, Keeron J
ORCID: and Stoner, Lee
Should flow-mediated dilation be conducted on the legs of patients with peripheral arterial disease?
Journal of the American Heart Association, 4.
pp. 1-8.
Fryer, Simon M ORCID:, Stoner, Lee, Dickson, Tabitha, Draper, Steve B, McCluskey, Michael J, Hughes, Jonathan
ORCID:, How, Stephen C
ORCID: and Draper, Nick
Oxygen Recovery Kinetics in the Forearm Flexors of Multiple Ability Groups of Rock Climbers.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29 (6).
pp. 1633-1639.
Fryer, Simon M ORCID:, Stoner, Lee, Lucero, Adam, Witter, Trevor, Scarrott, Carl, Dickson, Tabitha, Cole, Matthew and Draper, Nick
Haemodynamic Kinetics and Intermittent Finger Flexor Performance in Rock Climbers.
International Journal of Sports Medicine, 36 (2).
pp. 137-142.
Fryer, Simon M ORCID:, Stoner, Lee, Scarrott, Carl, Lucero, Adam, Witter, Trevor, Love, Richard, Dickson, Tabitha and Draper, Nick
Forearm oxygenation and blood flow kinetics during a sustained contraction in multiple ability groups of rock climbers.
Journal of Sports Sciences, 33 (5).
pp. 518-526.
Fullwood, Chris ORCID:, Quinn, Sally, Chen-Wilson, Josephine, Chadwick, Darren and Reynolds, Katie
Put on a Smiley Face: Textspeak and Personality Perceptions.
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 18 (3).
pp. 147-151.
Gibson, Mark T (2015) Ethos and vision realization in sponsored academy schools. Management in Education, 29 (1). pp. 9-13. doi:10.1177/0892020614559237
Gonzalez, Javier T, Green, Benjamin P, Brown, Meghan A ORCID:, Rumbold, Penny L, Turner, Louise A
ORCID: and Stevenson, Emma J
Calcium Ingestion Suppresses Appetite and Produces Acute Overcompensation of Energy Intake Independent of Protein in Healthy Adults.
Journal of Nutrition, 145 (3).
pp. 476-482.
Goodenough, Anne E ORCID:, Deans, Liam, Whiteley, Laura and Pickering, Simon
Later is Better: Optimal Timing for Walked Activity Surveys for a European Bat Guild.
Wildlife Biology, 21 (6).
pp. 323-328.
Goodenough, Anne E ORCID:, Fairhurst, Stacey M, Morrison, Julia B, Cade, Martin, Morgan, Peter J and Wood, Matthew J
Quantifying the robustness of first arrival dates as a measure of avian migratory phenology.
Ibis: International Journal of Avian Science, 157 (2).
pp. 384-390.
Goodenough, Anne E ORCID:, Rolfe, Richard N
ORCID:, MacTavish, Lynne and Hart, Adam G
The Role of Overseas Field Courses in Student Learning in the Biosciences.
Bioscience Education.
Green, B. P., Turner, Louise A ORCID:, Stevenson, E. J. and Rumbold, P. L.
Patterns of dairy consumption in free-living children and adolescents.
Journal of Dairy Science, 98 (6).
pp. 3701-3705.
Hackett, Paul M ORCID:
“Classifying Reality,” by David S. Oderberg (ed.) (2013).
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Where's the Geography department? The changing administrative place of Geography in UK higher education.
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pp. 56-64.
Hart, Adam G ORCID:, Rolfe, Richard N
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Can Handheld Thermal Imaging Technology Improve Detection of Poachers in African Bushveldt?
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pp. 1-13.
Harun, Sahana, Baker, Andy, Bradley, Chris, Pinay, Gilles, Boomer, Ian and Hamilton, R. Liz ORCID:
Characterisation of dissolved organic matter in the Lower Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia.
Hydrology Research, 46 (3).
pp. 411-428.
Hill, Denise M. ORCID: and Hemmings, Brian
A phenomenological exploration of coping responses associated with choking in sport.
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 7 (4).
pp. 521-538.
Holland, Christopher and Mills, Claire D ORCID:
Profiling sports therapy students' preferred learning styles within a clinical education context.
Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 9.
pp. 1-19.
Kavaliauskas, Mykolas, Aspe, Rodrigo R. and Babraj, John (2015) High-Intensity Cycling Training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29 (8). pp. 2229-2236. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000000868
Kilgour, Lindsey, Matthews, Nic, Christian, Polly and Shire, Jo (2015) Health literacy in schools: prioritising health and well-being issues through the curriculum. Sport, Education and Society, 20 (4). pp. 485-500. doi:10.1080/13573322.2013.769948
Leese, Graham P., Stratton, Irene M, Land, Martin, Bachmann, Max O., Jones, Colin, Scanlon, Peter H ORCID:, Looker, Helen C. and Ferguson, Brian
Progression of Diabetes Retinal Status Within Community Screening Programs and Potential Implications for Screening Intervals.
Diabetes Care, 38 (3).
pp. 488-494.
Lewis, Kiara ORCID: and Mackenzie, Abi
Should strategies to tackle childhood obesity also focus on mental health?
British Journal of School Nursing, 10 (9).
pp. 434-438.
Lloyd, Rhodri S, Oliver, Jon L, Faigenbaum, Avery D, Howard, Rick, De Ste Croix, Mark B ORCID:, Williams, Craig A, Best, Thomas M, Alvar, Brent A, Micheli, Lyle J, Thomas, D. Phillip, Hatfield, Disa L, Cronin, John B and Myer, Gregory D
Long-Term Athletic Development, Part 2: barriers to success and potential solutions.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29 (5).
pp. 1451-1464.
Lloyd, Rhodri S, Oliver, Jon L, Faigenbaum, Avery D, Howard, Rick, De Ste Croix, Mark B ORCID:, Williams, Craig A, Best, Thomas M, Alvar, Brent A, Micheli, Lyle J, Thomas, D. Phillip, Hatfield, Disa L, Cronin, John B and Myer, Gregory D
Long-Term Athletic Development- Part 1:a pathway for all youth.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29 (5).
pp. 1439-1450.
Lomax, M, Tasker, Louise and Bostanci, O (2015) An electromyographic evaluation of dual role breathing and upper body muscles in response to front crawl swimming. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 25 (5). e472-e478. doi:10.1111/sms.12354
Mahmoud, Rasha Y., Stones, Daniel H ORCID:, Li, Wenqin, Emara, Mohamed, El-domany, Ramadan A., Wang, Depu, Wang, Yili, Krachler, Anne Marie and Yu, Jun
The Multivalent Adhesion Molecule SSO1327 plays a key role in Shigella sonnei pathogenesis.
Molecular Microbiology, 99 (4).
pp. 658-673.
Matthews, Nic, Kilgour, Lindsey, Christian, P., Mori, Kate and Hill, Denise M. ORCID:
Understanding, Evidencing, and Promoting Adolescent Well-Being: An Emerging Agenda for Schools.
Youth and Society, 47 (5).
pp. 659-683.
McManus, F, Clark, G., Muse, Kate ORCID: and Shafran, R
Case-series Evaluating a Transdiagnostic Cognitive-behavioral Treatment For Co-occurring Anxiety Disorders.
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 43 (6).
pp. 944-758.
McManus, F, Leung, C, Muse, Kate ORCID: and Williams, J M
Understanding 'Cyberchondria': an Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of the Purpose, Methods and Impact of Seeking Health Information Online for those with Health Anxiety.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 7 (e21).
pp. 1-13.
Mesagno, Christopher, Hill, Denise M. ORCID: and Larkin, Paul
Examining the accuracy and in-game performance effects between pre- and post-performance routines: A mixed methods study.
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 19.
pp. 85-94.
Mills, Claire D ORCID:
What it is like to be Obese? A Practical Example.
Obesity Research Open Journal, 2 (3).
Moore, Lee J, Vine, Samuel J, Wilson, Mark R and Freeman, Paul (2015) Reappraising Threat: How to Optimize Performance Under Pressure. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 37 (3). pp. 339-343. doi:10.1123/jsep.2014-0186
Moore, Lee J, Wilson, Mark R, McGrath, John S, Waine, Elizabeth, Masters, Rich S and Vine, Samuel J (2015) Surgeons’ display reduced mental effort and workload while performing robotically assisted surgical tasks, when compared to conventional laparoscopy. Surgical Endoscopy, 29 (9). pp. 2553-2560. doi:10.1007/s00464-014-3967-y
Moore, Lee J, Wilson, Mark R, Waine, Elizabeth, Masters, Rich S, McGrath, John S and Vine, Samuel J (2015) Robotic technology results in faster and more robust surgical skill acquisition than traditional laparoscopy. Journal of Robotic Surgery, 9 (1). pp. 67-73. doi:10.1007/s11701-014-0493-9
Moore, Lee J, Wilson, Mark R, Waine, Elizabeth, McGrath, John S, Masters, Rich S and Vine, Samuel J (2015) Robotically assisted laparoscopy benefits surgical performance under stress. Journal of Robotic Surgery, 9 (4). pp. 277-284. doi:10.1007/s11701-015-0527-y
Moore, Oliver and Crawley, Michael J (2015) The impact of red deer on liverwort-rich oceanic heath vegetation. Plant Ecology and Diversity, 8 (3). pp. 437-447. doi:10.1080/17550874.2015.1010188
Morgan, Paul B, Fletcher, David and Sarkar, Mustafa (2015) Understanding team resilience in the world's best athletes: A case study of a rugby union World Cup winning team. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 16 (1). pp. 91-100. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2014.08.007
Mytton, G. J., Archer, D. T., Turner, Louise A ORCID:, Skorski, S., Renfree, A., Thompson, K. G. and St. Clair Gibson, A.
Increased variability of lap speeds: differentiating medalists and nonmedalists in middle-distance running and swimming events.
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 10 (3).
pp. 369-373.
O'Connell, Mark ORCID:
Making Spatial Ecology Relevant and Accessible to Conservation.
Ecological Informatics, 30.
p. 195.
Paradisis, Giorgos P., Cook, Carlton B. and Bissas, Athanassios ORCID:
Effect of combined uphill-downhill sprint training on kinematics and maximum running speed in experienced sprinters.
International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 10 (5).
pp. 887-897.
Parker, Andrew ORCID: and Watson, Nick J
Sport, Celebrity and Religion: Christianity, Morality and the Tebow Phenomenon.
Studies in World Christianity, 21 (3).
pp. 223-238.
Parker, John K, Jones, Martin I and Lovell, Geoff P (2015) An investigation into athletes' intrusive visual imagery. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 11 (1). pp. 34-42.
Patrick, Samantha C, Bearhop, Stuart, Bodey, Thomas W, Grecian, W. James, Hamer, Keith C, Lee, Janette and Votier, Stephen C (2015) Individual seabirds show consistent foraging strategies in response to predictable fisheries discards. Journal of Avian Biology, 46 (5). pp. 431-440. doi:10.1111/jav.00660
Patrick, Samantha C and Weimerskirch, Henri (2015) Senescence rates and late adulthood reproductive success are strongly influenced by personality in a long-lived seabird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 282 (1799). pp. 1-7. doi:10.1098/rspb.2014.1649
Pompedda, Francesco ORCID:, Zappalà, Angelo and Santtila, Pekka
Simulations of child sexual abuse interviews using avatars paired with feedback improves interview quality.
Psychology, Crime and Law, 21 (1).
pp. 28-52.
Pozzi, Luca, Nekaris, K. Anne-Isola, Perkin, Andrew, Bearder, Simon K., Pimley, Elizabeth R., Schulze, Helga, Streicher, Ulrike, Nadler, Tilo, Kitchener, Andrew, Zischler, Hans, Zinner, Dietmar and Roos, Christian (2015) Remarkable ancient divergences amongst neglected lorisiform primates. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 175 (3). pp. 661-674. doi:10.1111/zoj.12286
Ranaweerage, Eranga, Ranjeewa, Ashoka DG ORCID: and Sugimoto, Koun
Tourism-induced disturbance of wildlife in protected areas: A case study of free ranging elephants in Sri Lanka.
Global Ecology and Conservation, 4.
pp. 625-631.
Ranjeewa, Ashoka DG ORCID:, Tharanga, YJS, Sandanayake, GHNA, Perera, B. Vijitha and Fernando, Prithiviraj
Camera traps unveil enigmatic crop raiders in Udawalawe, Sri Lanka.
Gajah, 42.
pp. 7-14.
Read, Paul, Oliver, Jon L, De Ste Croix, Mark B ORCID:, Myer, Gregory D and Lloyd, Rhodri S
Injury Risk Factors in Male Youth Soccer Players.
Strength and Conditioning Journal, 37 (5).
pp. 1-7.
Robertson, Ivan T, Cooper, Cary L, Sarkar, Mustafa and Curran, Thomas (2015) Resilience training in the workplace from 2003 to 2014: A systematic review. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88 (3). pp. 233-562. doi:10.1111/joop.12120
Ryall, Emily S ORCID:
Goal Line Technology: Success or Failure? A Retrospective Look at Scholarship on the Issue.
Critique: The Philosophy of Sport In Practice.
Ryall, Emily S ORCID:
Good Games and Penalty Shoot-outs.
Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 9 (2).
pp. 205-213.
Ryall, Emily S ORCID:
Good competition: and why we should welcome the rise of the giant killer.
Sports International Magazine (3).
pp. 32-33.
Ryall, Emily S ORCID:
Sport and Film.
Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 9 (3).
pp. 344-347.
Ryall, Emily S ORCID:
Why teamwork is not a virtue - a response to Gaffney.
Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, 42 (1).
pp. 57-62.
Sarkar, Mustafa, Fletcher, David and Brown, Daniel J (2015) What doesn’t kill me…: Adversity-related experiences are vital in the development of superior Olympic performance. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 18. pp. 475-479. doi:10.1016/j.jsams.2014.06.010
Scanlon, Peter H ORCID:
Diabetic Retinopathy.
Medicine, 43 (1).
pp. 13-19.
Scanlon, Peter H ORCID:, Aldington, Stephen J, Leal, Jose, Luengo-Fernandez, Ramon, Oke, Jason, Sivaprasad, Sobha, Gazis, Anastasios and Stratton, Irene M
Development of a cost-effectiveness model for optimisation of the screening interval in diabetic retinopathy screening.
Health Technology Assessment, 19 (74).
pp. 1-116.
Scanlon, Peter H ORCID:, Loftus, J, Starita, C. and Stratton, I M
The use of weighted health-related Quality of Life scores in people with diabetic macular oedema at baseline in a randomized clinical trial.
Diabetic Medicine, 32 (1).
pp. 97-101.
Scott, Sam ORCID:
Making the case for temporary migrant worker programmes: evidence from the UK’s rural guestworker (‘SAWS’) scheme.
Journal of Rural Studies, 40.
pp. 1-11.
Sitch, Matthew ORCID: and Day, Melissa
Using a Daily Diary Approach to Understand the Psychological Experiences of Making Weight.
Sport Psychologist, 29 (1).
pp. 29-40.
Stenseng, Frode, Forest, Jacques and Curran, Thomas (2015) Positive Emotions in Recreational Sport Activities: The Role of Passion and Belongingness. Journal of Happiness Studies, 16 (5). pp. 1117-1129. doi:10.1007/s10902-014-9547-y
Stones, Daniel H ORCID:, Al-Saedi, Fitua, Vaz, Diana, Perez-Soto, Nicolas and Krachler, Anne M.
Biomimetic Materials to Characterize Bacteria-host Interactions.
Journal of Visualized Experiments (105).
Stones, Daniel H ORCID: and Krachler, Anne Marie
Dual function of a bacterial protein as an adhesin and extracellular effector of host GTPase signaling.
Small GTPases, 6 (3).
pp. 153-156.
Stones, Daniel H ORCID: and Krachler, Anne-Marie
Fatal Attraction: How Bacterial Adhesins Affect Host Signaling and What We Can Learn from Them.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16 (2).
pp. 2626-2640.
Theis, Nicola ORCID:, Korff, Thomas and Mohagheghi, Amir A
Does long-term passive stretching alter muscle–tendon unit mechanics in children with spastic cerebral palsy?
Clinical Biomechanics, 30 (10).
pp. 1071-1076.
Uusi-Kerttula, Hanni, Hulin-Curtis, Sarah L ORCID:, Davies, James and Parker, Alan
Oncolytic Adenovirus: Strategies and Insights for Vector Design and Immuno-Oncolytic Applications.
Viruses, 7 (11).
pp. 6009-6042.
Van der Gucht, Natalie and Lewis, Kiara ORCID:
Women׳s experiences of coping with pain during childbirth: A critical review of qualitative research.
Midwifery, 31 (3).
pp. 349-358.
Veraldi, Noemi, Hughes, Ashley J, Rudd, Timothy R, Thomas, Huw B, Edwards, Steven W, Hadfield, Lynsay ORCID:, Skidmore, Mark A., Siligardi, Giuliano, Cosentino, Cesare, Shute, Janis K., Naggi, Annamaria and Yates, Edwin A.
Heparin derivatives for the targeting of multiple activities in the inflammatory response.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 117.
pp. 400-407.
Vine, Samuel J., Uiga, Liis, Lavric, Aureliu, Moore, Lee J., Tsaneva-Atanasova, Krasimira and Wilson, Mark R. (2015) Individual reactions to stress predict performance during a critical aviation incident. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 28 (4). pp. 467-477. doi:10.1080/10615806.2014.986722
Watson, Nick J and Parker, Andrew ORCID:
The Mystical and Sublime in Extreme Sports: Experiences of Psychological Well-Being or Christian Revelation?
Studies in World Christianity, 21 (3).
pp. 260-281.
Wheatcroft, Jacqueline M. ORCID:, Caruso, David and Krumrey-Quinn, James
Rethinking leading: the directive, non-directive divide.
Criminal Law Review, 5.
pp. 340-346.
Wheatcroft, Jacqueline M. ORCID:, Wagstaff, Graham F. and Manarin, Brian
The influence of delay and item difficulty on eyewitness confidence and accuracy.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, 1.
pp. 1-9.
Whelan, Clea W., Wagstaff, Graham F. and Wheatcroft, Jacqueline M. ORCID:
High stakes lies: police and non-police accuracy in detecting deception.
Psychology, Crime and Law, 21 (2).
pp. 127-138.
White, L and Hardman, Joanna (2015) Connecting Communities through Cheerleading: The CHEER in Schools Programme. Physical Education Matters, 10 (1). pp. 49-52.
Williams, Rachel L, Stafford, Richard and Goodenough, Anne E ORCID:
Biodiversity in urban gardens: Assessing the accuracy of citizen science data on garden hedgehogs.
Urban Ecosystems, 18 (3).
pp. 819-833.
Wright Whelan, Clea, Wagstaff, Graham F. and Wheatcroft, Jacqueline M. ORCID:
Subjective Cues to Deception/Honesty in a High Stakes Situation: An Exploratory Approach.
Journal of Psychology, 149 (5).
pp. 517-534.
Wu, Brian, Credeur, Daniel, Fryer, Simon M ORCID: and Stoner, Lee
The use of shear rate–diameter dose–response curves as an alternative to the flow-mediated dilation test.
Medical Hypotheses, 84 (2).
pp. 85-90.
Alagab, Samir, Tennakoon, Sarath and Gould, Chris ORCID:
Review of wind farm power collection schemes.
2015 50th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC).
ISBN 9781467396837
Brooke, Mark ORCID:
Seeking Commonality in Diversity: Challenges in Designing and Delivering an Innovative Academic English Language Writing Course at the National University of Singapore.
English Language Education in a Global World: Practices, Issues & Challenges.
Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 285-306.
ISBN 9781634834971
Felkers, Imara, Mulder, Ellen and MacLean, Malcolm ORCID:
Homo ludens in the twenty-first century: Towards an understanding of Caillois's paidia in sports.
Philosophical perspectives on play.
Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, New York, pp. 123-135.
ISBN 9781138841437
Fullwood, Chris ORCID:
The role of personality in online self-presentation.
Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780198712589
Martin, Stephen, Dillon, James, Higgins, Peter, Strachan, Glenn and Vare, Paul ORCID:
Reflections on ESD in UK Schools.
Schooling for Sustainable Development in Europe.
Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 335-360.
ISBN 9783319095509
Pompedda, Francesco ORCID:, Zappalà, Angelo, Rossini, Vittorio maria and Scarabello, Massimo
Victim and witnesses in Italy.
International developments and practices in investigative interviewing and interrogation: An international perspective.
Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice, 1
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9781138781740
Ryall, Emily S ORCID:
Technologie en Sport.
Vocabulaire international de philosophie du sport.
L’Harmattan, Paris, pp. 667-673.
ISBN 9782336309811
Ryan, Alex ORCID: and Tilbury, Daniella
Learning for Sustainable Futures: ESD professional development at University
of Gloucestershire.
Leading Practice Publication: Professional development of university educators on Education for Sustainable Development in European countries.
UE4SD, Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 82-87.
ISBN 9788087076224
Scott, Sam ORCID:
Ethics, Methods and Moving Standards in Research on Migrant Workers and Forced Labour.
Ethical Concerns in Research on Human Trafficking.
Springer, New York, pp. 117-136.
ISBN 9783319215204
Silk, Michael and Morgan, Haydn ORCID:
The broadcaster's perspective.
Routledge Handbook of Sports Event Management.
Routledge International Handbooks
Routledge, London, pp. 329-354.
ISBN 9780415858649
Webb, Julia C ORCID:
Can you use pollen to catch criminals?
52 Things You Should Know About Palaeontology.
Agile Libre, Nova Scotia, pp. 34-35.
ISBN 9780987959447
Zappalà, Angelo, Pompedda, Francesco ORCID:, Rossini, Vittorio Maria and Scarabello, Massimo
Criminal interrogation in Italy: legal procedures and practices.
International developments and practices in investigative interviewing and interrogation: An international perspective.
Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice, 2
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9781138781757
Loughren, Elizabeth A, Dickson, Tabitha, Baker, Colin ORCID: and Crone, Diane
Artlift Wiltshire Final Report.
Project Report.
University of Gloucestershire, Gloucester.
Parker, Andrew ORCID:, Sarkar, Mustafa, Curran, Thomas and Williams, Sean
ESPN’s Greatest Sporting Cities 2015.
Project Report.
University of Gloucestershire, Gloucester.
Shields, Robin and Masardo, Alex ORCID:
Changing patterns in vocational entry qualifications, student support and outcomes in undergraduate degree programmes.
Higher Education Academy.
Baker, Colin ORCID: and Courtney, Paul
Conceptualising the societal value of health and wellbeing and developing indicators for assessment.
In: European Public Health Conference 2015, 14-17 October, Milan.
Bennetts, Rachel, Murray, Ebony ORCID:, Boyce, Tian and Bate, Sarah
The development of face and object processing in childhood.
In: European Conference on Visual Perception 2015, 23 - 27 August 2015, University of Liverpool..
Biggs, David M (2015) Exploring Labour Law in the UK: The Agency Worker Directive. In: Labour Force Survey/Annual Population Survey user conference, 27 November 2015, JISC, Brettenham House, London. (Unpublished)
Biggs, David M and Toms, Simon (2015) The Influence of Labour Law on the UK Economy: A Mixed Methods Exploration. In: The CIPD conference for applied research 2015, 8 December 2015, WBS London, The Shard. (Unpublished)
Davis, Sharon, Edgar, Graham K ORCID:, Strachan, B, Bahl, R and Catherwood, Dianne F
Cardiotocograph Training: Mind the Gap!!
In: British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society 17th Annual Conference, 23-24/04/2015, London, UK.
Davis, Sharon, Edgar, Graham K ORCID:, Strachan, B, Bahl, R and Catherwood, Dianne F
Loss of Situation Awareness Linked to Interruptions during Cardiotocograph Monitoring in a Day Assessment Unit.
In: British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society 17th Annual Conference, 23rd and 24th April 2015, London, UK.
Garner, Paul ORCID:
Cultivating a community of practice to explore coach learning.
In: Sport and Leisure Symposium, 27-28th Feb 2015, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Goudas, M, Tsimeas, P, Tsitkari, E, Baker, Colin ORCID:, Loughren, Elizabeth A and Crone, Diane
Skills and attributes needed in the workplace: A European survey of sport employers' and sport graduates' perceptions.
In: 23rd International Congress of Physical Education & Sport, 15th - 17th May 2015, Komotini, Greece.
Hayer, R and Biggs, David M (2015) Worker relations, job satisfaction and social relations - impact turnover intentions? In: BPS DOP Annual Conference,, 7 - 9 January 2015, Glasgow, UK. (Unpublished)
Padley, Simon, Garner, Paul ORCID: and Castro, J
Football for moral development: The challenge of contemporary competitive culture.
In: Football as 'Inclusive Leisure': A one day conference for Football Industry Professionals and Scholars of Football-related Studies, 20th May 2015, Southampton Solent University.
Sallis, Geoffrey, Edgar, Graham K ORCID:, Catherwood, Dianne F, Brookes, David
ORCID: and Medley, Andrew
Decision making on the fireground.
In: The British Psychological Society Annual Conference, 5-7/5/2015, Liverpool, UK.
Vare, Paul ORCID:
Implementing ESD in a Neoliberal Environment: Contradictions Encountered in Transition.
In: ECER 2015, Education and Transition - Contributions from Educational Research, 8-11 September, 2015, Budapest, Hungary.
Bryan, Hazel and Worsley, Howard (Eds) (2015) Being Christian in Education: Faith perspectives on practice and policy. Canterbury Press Norwich. ISBN 9781848257528
Hackett, Paul M ORCID:
Qualitative Research Methods in Consumer Psychology: Ethnography and Culture.
Routledge, New York.
ISBN 9781138085909
Kapitulčinová, Dana, Dlouhá, Jana, Ryan, Alex ORCID:, Dlouhý, Jiří, Barton, Andrew, Mader, Marlene, Tilbury, Daniella, Mulà, Ingrid, Benayas, Javier, Alba, David, Mader, Clemens, Michelsen, Gerd and Mally, Katja Vintar
Leading Practice: Professional development
of university educators
on Education
for Sustainable Development
in European countries.
UE4SD, Prague.
ISBN 9788087076224
MacLean, Malcolm ORCID:, Russell, Wendy K
ORCID: and Ryall, Emily S
Philosophical Perspectives on Play.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9781138841437
Schwarzenbach, Jessica B and Hackett, Paul M ORCID:
Transatlantic Reflections on the Practice-Based PhD in Fine Art.
Routledge, New York.
ISBN 9781138801653
Watson, Nick J (2015) Sport, Religion and Disability. Routledge. ISBN 978-0415714150
Burge, Robert (2015) The Dose-Response Effects of Dissociation Training on Measures of Neuromuscular Control during Performance Screening in Male Youth Footballers. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Evans, Mel (2015) The Influences of Films on Child Perceptions of Science and Scientists. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Fairhurst, Stacey M (2015) The Potential of Colony Waste Material as an Effective Biological Control of Leafcutting Ant Herbivory: An Olfactory Approach. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Ffoulkes, Joseph L (2015) Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction: A Comparison of two Provocation Tests for the Screening of Athletes. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
McCarroll, Julia (2015) Application of palaeoecological techniques to inform blanket mire conservation in Yorkshire, UK. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Moody, Richard (2015) The not so resting mind: Investigating Neural Activity associated with daydreaming using EEG. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Sallis, Geoffrey (2015) How does bias / scope influence the operational outcome of pressurised incident command decisions and can it be countered? PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Mills, Claire D ORCID:
School of Sport and Exercise - Student Research Conference.
[Teaching Resource]
Palmer, Sally (2015) Students as co-researchers. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)