Autonomous versus controlled forms of regulation: a cross-cultural analysis from Thai, Indian, Brazilian and German cultural contexts

Nauiack, Luiz (2024) Autonomous versus controlled forms of regulation: a cross-cultural analysis from Thai, Indian, Brazilian and German cultural contexts. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/9NV4R8X3

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The study provides empirical evidence on how different cultural contexts react to autonomous versus controlled forms of regulation when dealing with employee motivation in the automotive industry. Its research framework has been designed to provide additional evidence to the Basic Psychological Needs Theory (BPNT) and its cross-cultural universality claim and answer the call for further research on how forms of regulation can be culturally variable. Across two studies, the mediating effect autonomous and controlled forms of regulation have in the relationship between basic psychological needs and work engagement has been hypothesised and tested. In Study 1 (case study, n=625), a praxis-oriented scenario is analysed to provide the first indications that a cultural variation exists in how employees respond to autonomous versus controlled forms of regulation. Study 2 (main study, n=817) uses two statistical methods (Structural Equation Modeling – Multi Group Analysis and ANOVA) to provide concrete evidence to corroborate the initial indication and test the posed hypotheses in four cultural contexts. For both studies, data has been collected across an international production network within the automotive industry, including samples from Thailand, India, Brazil, and Germany. Consistent with the theorisation, results show that, even though the support to basic psychological needs defined by Self-Determination Theory universally improves work engagement, different cultures might optimally achieve this need support through different forms of regulation, displaying more autonomous or controlling reasons for pursuing need-satisfying activities depending on the cultural context. Results also provide the practitioner with additional insights, guidance and actionable points regarding the future implementation of motivational programs in the automotive industry. By providing a fresh view on a recurrent question, the study advances the border where cross-cultural motivational research has collected the data to support the claims. It expands the sampling into heterogeneous cultural contexts and yet in another branch of the industry, attempting to move away from the limitations and Western bias often tainting social sciences research.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Thesis Advisors:
Thesis AdvisorEmailURL
Uncontrolled Keywords: Self-determination theory; Basic psychological needs theory; Forms of regulation; Cross-cultural research
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HF Commerce
H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > HF5001 Business > HF5549 Personnel management. Employment management
Divisions: Schools and Research Institutes > School of Business, Computing and Social Sciences
Depositing User: Susan Turner
Date Deposited: 29 Feb 2024 14:41
Last Modified: 29 Feb 2024 14:41

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