Developments in simulation and learning for patient safety. Churchill Fellowship Report

Berragan, Elizabeth ORCID: 0000-0002-3345-6341 (2017) Developments in simulation and learning for patient safety. Churchill Fellowship Report. Project Report. The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, London.

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Executive Summary I travelled to Australia where I spent 4 weeks exploring educational initiatives to support undergraduate healthcare students to learn to deliver safe and effective care to their patients. In particular I was interested in inter-professional education and simulation as pedagogical approaches to highlight the importance of patient safety, quality improvement and preparing students for the real world of healthcare practice. The objectives of my project were to: •Explore how patient safety issues can be transformed into learning opportunities through the use of innovative simulation approaches. •Share and identify practical simulation methodologies to address different aspects of clinical practice and patient safety. •Work with colleagues at Bristol and Bath universities to design, deliver, debrief and evaluate interdisciplinary simulation scenarios to address patient safety. •Work towards embedding interdisciplinary simulations for patient safety within nursing, pharmacy and medical curricula. The project was and will continue to be carried out in a number of phases: 1. Development and pilot of inter-professional ward simulations for final year medical, pharmacy and nursing students. This was in progress prior to my Fellowship application. 2. Dissemination of results of the pilot studies to encourage debate, critical analysis, evaluation and awareness of this work. The project has been presented and published at a number of healthcare, medical and nursing conferences and in International Nursing Journals. 3. To meet Professor Levett-Jones and colleagues from the University of Newcastle, New South Wales (NSW), Professor Kelly at Curtin University in Perth, and international colleagues attending the NETNEP 2016 conference in Australia to explore, experience, work with and discuss their work and views on simulation and patient safety. 4. Develop collaborative working opportunities with colleagues in Australia to share good practice and further disseminate this work to colleagues locally, nationally and internationally. 5. To use this exceptional opportunity and learning experience to share with colleagues at UWE, Bristol University and the University of Bath. Learning from my visits across Australia, I hope to develop and embed brief and intense simulation-based scenarios which will increase perceived confidence in communicating and working in impromptu teams for pre-qualifying students from multiple health science disciplines. My findings highlighted that in order to develop and embed authentic and realistic simulation experiences for learning, there needs to be not only enthusiasm to drive development but also the support, knowledge and infrastructure to underpin and sustain development. During conversations with colleagues in Australia a number of themes emerged as essential to simulation learning for healthcare practitioners. These themes reflect both the educational experience and the focus of safety and quality improvement: quality indicators for simulation, clinical reasoning, inter-professional education for teamwork and communication skills, cultural empathy and professional identity. My recommendations have evolved from analysis of the information that was shared with me and the need to ensure that any learning experience must be sustainable and sufficiently flexible for the needs of the healthcare workforce and for the benefit of patients and service users. These recommendations are: • To develop and embed National and local simulation principles and quality indicators for simulation-based education (SBE). • To provide support, identify frameworks and adopt pedagogical approaches for the development of clinical reasoning skills. • To ensure IPE focuses upon communication and teamwork skills • To develop and foster cultural empathy for compassionate healthcare • To understand and support the development of professional identity.

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Patient safety; Simulation in education; healthcare
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB2300 Higher Education
R Medicine > RT Nursing
Divisions: Schools and Research Institutes > School of Health and Social Care
Research Priority Areas: Health, Life Sciences, Sport and Wellbeing
Depositing User: Liz Berragan
Date Deposited: 08 Jul 2020 15:49
Last Modified: 27 Jul 2023 14:54

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