Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
Using Creative Writing in English Literature Assessment: Diversity and Inclusion on an Undergraduate Crime Fiction Module.
Clues: A Journal of Detection, 41 (2).
pp. 107-110.
Keevil, Tyler (2016) Defamiliarised. HARTS and Minds: Journal of the Humanities and Arts, 2 (3). pp. 2-8.
Keevil, Tyler (2016) Foul Is Fair. Black Static (50). pp. 46-58.
Keevil, Tyler (2015) It's In You To Give. On Spec: The Canadian Magazine of the Fantastic (99).
Keevil, Tyler (2015) Samhain. Black Static (44). pp. 46-59.
Keevil, Tyler (2016) The Search. PRISM: International, 54 (4). pp. 91-100.
Keevil, Tyler (2016) Starlings. Interzone (264). pp. 14-33.
Keevil, Tyler (2016) A West Coast Canuck in the Land of Yankee Doodle Dandy: Bringing a Fresh Perspective to the Modern Road Novel. Writing in Practice, 2.
Keevil, Tyler (2017) Writing Kerouac’s bookmovie: cinematic influence and imagery in the modern road novel. New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing, 14 (2). pp. 167-175. doi:10.1080/14790726.2016.1277764
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
The Marvellous as We Know It: A text world analysis of Heaney’s Squarings: Lightenings VIII.
New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing, 11 (2).
pp. 228-239.
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Text-worlds, blending, and allegory in ‘Flamingos in Dudley Zoo’ by Emma Purshouse.
Language and Literature, 29 (4).
pp. 389-403.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
“Contemporary Crime Fiction: A Surfeit of Riches”.
Contemporary Crime Fiction: Crossing Boundaries, Merging Genres.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 1-17.
ISBN 9781527564060
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
Cut a Long Story Short: Teaching the Crime Short Story.
Teaching Crime Fiction.
Palgrave, Houndmills, pp. 99-114.
ISBN 9783319906089
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
“I Stand Out Like a Raven”: The Female Detective and Tudor History in Nancy Bilyeau’s The Crown.
Contemporary Crime Fiction: Crossing Boundaries, Merging Genres.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 39-60.
ISBN 9781527564060
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
Introduction: Crime Fiction.
Teaching Crime Fiction.
Teaching the New English
Palgrave, pp. 1-15.
ISBN 9783319906089
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
Introduction: Decolonising English.
Decolonising the Literature Curriculum.
Teaching the New English
Palgrave, pp. 1-21.
ISBN 9783030912888
Coe, Kate (2016) High Flight & Flames. In: High Flight & Flames. Kristell Ink, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-0993576638
Keevil, Tyler (2015) Night Start. In: New Welsh Short Stories. Seren Books, Bridgen, pp. 7-19. ISBN 9781781722343
Keevil, Tyler (2016) The Weeds & The Wildness. In: Strangers Among Us: Tales of Underdogs and Outcasts. Laksaw Media Groups Inc., Calgary, Alberta, pp. 91-107. ISBN 9780993969607
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Chekhov's Gun.
Eating My Words: National Flash-Fiction Day 2014 Anthology.
National Flash Fiction Day, Southampton, pp. 82-83.
ISBN 9781500110871
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Seven poems.
New Soundings: An Anthology of New Writing from the North of Ireland.
Blackstaff Press, Belfast, pp. 116-126.
ISBN 0-85640-739-9
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Ten poems.
Magnetic North:The Emerging Poets.
Lagan Press, Belfast, pp. 239-248.
ISBN 9781898701606
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
BACLS book prize seminar: Charlotte Beyer, Decolonising the Literature Curriculum.
In: BACLS Seminar, 31 May 2024, Online.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
‘Bags stuffed with the offal of their own history’: Place and crime fiction in the short story collection Crimespotting: An Edinburgh Crime Collection.
In: The Singer not the Song: Narration in the Short Story, 24 June 2011, Sheffield Hallam University.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
Decolonising the Literature Curriculum Through British-Chinese Writing: Xiaolu Guo, Once upon a Time in the East.
In: Uncovering British Chinese Cultures, 2-3 December 2023, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
Glocal Crime: Human Trafficking and Forced Migration in Crime Fiction.
In: 4th "TRAVELLING, TRANSMISSION AND TRANSGRESSION" International Interdisciplinary Conference, 21-22 March 2024, Online.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
“Imagination or Memory?” The Search for Self in Paula Hawkins’ Crime Novel The Girl on the Train.
In: 7th "MEMORY, FORGETTING AND CREATING": International Interdisciplinary Conference, 18-19 January, Online.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
#MeToo and Subverting the Ending: “Antti Tuomainen’s “The Script”.
In: CLiC: To Exit – Literatures of Ending, 7 November 2023, University of Worcester, online.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
Migrant Mothers and Diasporic Daughters: Tracing the Mother’s Story in the Black British Writer Andrea Levy’s Novels.
In: 7th "Migration, Adaptation and Memory": International Interdisciplinary Conference, 13-14 June, 2024, Gdansk, Poland.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
Migration and Human Trafficking in Crime Fiction.
In: Sustainable Development Challenges: An Online Conference for University of Gloucestershire Researchers, 16 December 2020, University of Gloucestershire.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
Minette Walters’ The Cellar: Conveying the Trauma of Human
Trafficking in Crime Fiction.
In: 4th “MEMORY, TRAUMA AND RECOVERY” International Interdisciplinary Conference, 21-22 September, 2023, Online.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
“Pain, Hurt and Dammit: ” Ken Bruen’s Exploration of the Supernatural and Irish Mythology in His Crime Short Story “She Wails Through the Fair”.
In: 6th "DREAMS, PHANTASMS AND MEMORIES" International Interdisciplinary Conference, 23-24 November 2023, Online.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
'Putting back the voices that were left out’: Storytelling, Slavery and Spectres of the Past in Andrea Levy’s The Long Song’.
In: Narrating the Caribbean Nation: A Celebration of Literature and Orature, 14-15 April 2012, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
‘Someone else would come along soon’: Representations of Sexual Violence Against Men in Contemporary British Crime Fiction.
In: Bodies of Evidence: Crime, Gender, and Representation, 2 April 2012, University of Newcastle.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
The Supernatural Selkie in Una McCormack's Story "The Sea is Not Full".
In: Romancing the Gothic (independent online education project), 25 May 2024, Online.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
The Sweet Transgressiveness of Female Rage and Revenge in Kim Moritsugu’s Crime Short Story “A Taste of Honey” (2008).
In: Memory, Transgression, and Change: International Interdisciplinary Conference, 18-19 April 2024, Online.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
Writing Back to History: Using Andrea Levy’s “Uriah’s War” as a Case Study for Decolonisation on a Level 4 Skills Module for English and Creative Writing Students.
In: BACLS What Happens Now 2023, 6-8 September 2023, University of Birmingham.
McLoughlin, Nigel F, Fluharty, Matthew and Sewell, Frank, eds. (2002) Breaking The Skin: 21st Century Irish Writing: New Poetry. Black Mountain Press, Belfast. ISBN 978-0953757022
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
Crime Fiction in the Age of #MeToo.
Anthem Press, London.
ISBN 9781785278556
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:, MacLennan, Janet, Smith Silva, Dorsía and Tesser, Marjorie (Eds)
Travellin’ Mama: Mothers, Mothering and Travel.
Demeter Press, Bradford.
ISBN 9781772581799
Beyer, Charlotte (Ed) ORCID:
Decolonising the Literature Curriculum.
Teaching the New English
ISBN 9783030912895
Lloyd, Andy (2010) The Followers of Horus. Timeless Voyager Press, Santa Barbara, California. ISBN 978-1892264275
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
At The Waters’ Clearing.
Flambard Press & Black Mountain Press, Ballyclare.
ISBN 1873226500
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Bluechrome, Portishead.
ISBN 1904781497
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Bluechrome, Bristol, pp. 1-79.
ISBN 978-1-906061-14-2
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Songs For No Voices.
Lagan Press, Belfast.
ISBN 1904652158
Dicks, Duncan ORCID:
Conexus: Crime Fiction and the State of the Nation.
PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
France, Angela ORCID:
Hide: A 21st century woman’s response to the first person in poetry.
PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Pallant, Cheryl (2021) Somatic writing: a collection of articles, nonfiction and poetry on the body in motion. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/TR42LE68
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Event Horizon 11.
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Event Horizon 15 and Vanishing Point VII.
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Event Horizon 5.
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Event Horizon numbers 2, 8, 16 and 19.
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Event Horizon numbers 3, 6, 14 and 18.
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Three Poems.
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Vanishing Point I, II and III.
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
from Event Horizon.
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
‘from Event Horizon’.
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Nigel McLoughlin: poems.