Items where Subject is "BR Christianity"

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Number of items at this level: 71.


Agnolutto, Corrie L (2015) ‘Attractive Grace’: The Role of Appearance in the Evangelical Ideology of Femininity. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.


Baud, Hannah (2003) Lady Laura Ridding (1849-1939): the life and service of a bishop's wife. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Bryan, Hazel and Worsley, Howard (Eds) (2015) Being Christian in Education: Faith perspectives on practice and policy. Canterbury Press Norwich. ISBN 9781848257528

Burke, Michael (2007) What is driving the development of the emerging church? Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.


Carter, Dee (2004) The Redemption of Nature: Accounts of Atonement in Jürgen Moltmann's Theology. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.


Dancy, Graham Paul (2021) A Missional Reading of the Letter of James: Hearing the Voice of James in Mission. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/BJ22UY47

Daniels, David Graham (2022) Identity Formation in Christian Professional Footballers: Life Course, Faith, Career. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/SF88PC69

Du, Nana (2024) The Theme of Perception and Imperception in the Book of Isaiah. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/8S9T44LD

Ducille, Deborah J. (2015) Relational Life through an African Lens: A Theological Exploration of Ubuntu in a Western Contemporary Church Context. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.


Esler, Philip F ORCID logoORCID: (2021) The Adoption and Use of the Word EKKAH Sigma IA in the Early Christ-Movement. Ecclesiology, 17 (1). pp. 109-130. doi:10.1163/17455316-17010002

Esler, Philip F ORCID logoORCID: (2004) The Early Christian World. Routledge, London ; New York :. ISBN 9780415350921

Esler, Philip F ORCID logoORCID: (2014) Inventing Apocalypse: God, Courts and Courtiers. [Film / Video] (Unpublished)

Esler, Philip F ORCID logoORCID: (1995) Modelling early Christianity : social-scientific studies of the New Testament in its context. Routledge, London :. ISBN 041512980x0415129818 (pbk):

Esler, Philip F ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Paul's Explanation of Christ-Movement Identity in 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1: A Social Identity Approach. Biblical Theology Bulletin, 51 (2). pp. 101-118. doi:10.1177/0146107921997109

Esler, Philip F ORCID logoORCID: (2007) Prototypes, antitypes and social identity in First Clement: outlining a new interpretative model. Annali di storia dell'esegesi, 24 (1). pp. 125-146.

Esler, Philip F ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Religion, Race, Whiteness in Constructions of Jewish and Christian Identities. Expository Times, 133 (7). pp. 284-289. doi:10.1177/00145246211068346

Esler, Philip F ORCID logoORCID: (2022) ‘The Righteousness of Joseph: Interpreting Matt 1.18-25 in Light of Judean Legal Papyri’. New Testament Studies, 68 (3). pp. 326-343.

Esler, Philip F ORCID logoORCID: (2015) The World of Jesus and the Early Church: Identity and Interpretation in Early Communities of Faith. Journal of Theological Studies, 66 (1). pp. 359-362. doi:10.1093/jts/flu164

Esler, Philip F ORCID logoORCID: (1994) The first Christians in their social worlds : social-scientific approaches to New Testament interpretation. Routledge, London :. ISBN 04151112180415111226


Fletcher-Louis, Crispin ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Book Review: Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Edited by Matthew Novenson. Journal of Theological Studies, 72 (2). pp. 934-937. doi:10.1093/jts/flab138

Fletcher-Louis, Crispin ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Jesus monotheism: volume 1: The Emerging Consensus and Beyond. James Clarke, Cambridge. ISBN 9780227175781

French, Anna L (2013) Raising Christian children in early modern England: Salvation, education and the family. Theology, 116 (2). pp. 93-102. doi:10.1177/0040571X12468990


Goodwin, Bruce W (2018) An Analysis of the History, Sociology, Theology and Future of the New Wine Movement. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/ADUV2075


Higgs, Eleanor T ORCID logoORCID: (2017) Postcolonial Feminist Theologies. In: Gender: God. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 79-83. ISBN 9780028663173

Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Book Review: The hybrid reformation: a social, cultural, and intellectual history of contending forces. History of European Ideas, 50 (3). pp. 557-560. doi:10.1080/01916599.2023.2275000

Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Calvinism, Reform and the Absolutist State in Elizabethan Ireland. Routledge. ISBN 9781138053090

Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID logoORCID: (2012) Henry A. Jefferies. The Irish Church and the Tudor Reformations. Renaissance Quarterly, 65 (4). pp. 1263-4.

Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Intellectual History and the English Reformation. Reformation, 20 (2). pp. 154-163. doi:10.1080/13574175.2015.1099947

Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Obedience, Disobedience | Christianity | Reformation Era. In: Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception. De Gruyter.

Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID logoORCID: (2020) The Question of Obedience and the Formation of Confessional Identity in the Irish Reformation. Archiv fur reformationsgeschichte-Archive for reformation history, 111 (1). pp. 143-169. doi:10.14315/arg-2020-1110107/html

Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID logoORCID: and Stanton, Timothy ORCID logoORCID: (2022) On Liberalism, Liberty of Conscience, and Toleration: some historical and theoretical reflections. In: Toleration and the Challenges to Liberalism. Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy . Routledge, pp. 53-76. ISBN 9780367612511


Johnson, Trig (2015) John Baillie's Epistemology of Mediated Immediacy: its Logic, Importance for Baillie's Mediating Theology, and Promise as a Model of Revelatory Religious Experience. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Jones, Demelza ORCID logoORCID: and Smith, Andrew (2015) Minority congregations' use of Anglican Church spaces in the Birmingham Diocese. Project Report. Aston University, Birmingham.

Jones, Demelza ORCID logoORCID: and Smith, Andrew (2018) Minority congregations' use of Anglican church spaces across the Church of England in Birmingham. Project Report. University of Gloucestershire.


LeCureux, Jason T (2009) The Thematic Unity of the Book of the Twelve :the Call to Return and the Nature of the Minor Prophets. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Lincoln, Andrew T ORCID logoORCID: (2013) Luke and Jesus' Conception: A Case of Double Paternity? Journal of Biblical Literature, 132 (3). pp. 639-659.

Lincoln, Andrew T ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Vines, Vineyards, and John 15. The Expository Times, 136 (2). pp. 57-62. doi:10.1177/00145246241286999

Llewelyn, Robert John (2001) The Significance of Holy Land Pilgrimage for Anglican Clergy: An Anthropological Investigation. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.


Manohar, Christina (2007) Spirit Christology: An Indian Christian Perspective. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Mason, Steve and Esler, Philip F ORCID logoORCID: (2017) Judaean and Christ-Follower Identities: Grounds for a Distinction. New Testament Studies, 63 (04). pp. 493-515. doi:10.1017/S0028688517000145

McConville, J Gordon ORCID logoORCID: (2013) The Bible and Spirituality: Exploratory Essays in Reading Scripture Spiritually. Wipf and Stock, Eugene, OR. ISBN 978-1620327098

McConville, J Gordon ORCID logoORCID: (2013) Biblical Law and Human Formation. Political Theology, 14 (5). pp. 628-640.

McConville, J Gordon ORCID logoORCID: (2012) Dictionary of the Old Testament: Prophets. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Downers Grove U S A. ISBN 978-1844745814

McConville, J Gordon ORCID logoORCID: (2013) Does Violence Come with the Territory? An Exploration of Peace and Violence in the Old Testament. In: Encountering Violence in the Bible. Bible in the Modern World, 55 . Sheffield Phoenix Press, Sheffield, pp. 194-206. ISBN 978-1-909697-01-0

McConville, J Gordon ORCID logoORCID: (2007) Fellow Citizens: Israel and Humanity in Leviticus. Reading the Law, 1. pp. 10-32.

McConville, J Gordon ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Figures in Isaiah 7:14. In: Conception, Reception and the Spirit. Cascade Books, Eugene, OR, pp. 3-18. ISBN 9781620327463

McConville, J Gordon ORCID logoORCID: (2013) Forgiveness as Private and Public Act: a Reading of the Biblical Joseph Narrative. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 75 (4). pp. 635-648.

McConville, J Gordon ORCID logoORCID: (2011) Happiness in the Psalms. In: The Spirit That Inspires: Perspectives on Biblical Spirituality. Acta Theologica Supplementum (15). University of the Free State, pp. 81-100.

McConville, J Gordon ORCID logoORCID: (2010) Joshua (The Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary). Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. ISBN 9780802827029

McConville, J Gordon ORCID logoORCID: (2013) Joshua Crossing Divides. Phoenix Guides to the Old Testament,, 6 . Sheffield Phoenix Press, Sheffield. ISBN 978-1-909697-10-2

McConville, J Gordon ORCID logoORCID: (2014) Keep These Words in Your Heart: a Spirituality of Torah. In: For Our Good Always: Studies on the Message and Influence of Deuteronomy in Honor of Daniel I. Block. Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, IN, pp. 127-144. ISBN 9781575062853

McConville, J Gordon ORCID logoORCID: (2006) Old Testament Laws and Canonical Intentionality. In: Canon and Biblical Interpretation. Scripture and Hermeneutics Series (7). Paternoster Press, Carlisle, pp. 259-281. ISBN 9780310234173

McConville, J Gordon ORCID logoORCID: (2013) Spiritual Formation in the Psalms: Exploratory Essays in Reading Scripture Spiritually. In: The Bible and Spirituality: Exploratory Essays in Reading Scripture Spiritually. Cascade Books, Eugene, OR, pp. 56-74. ISBN 9781620327098

Mok, Shiu-Leung Fox (2024) Investigating Paul’s Leadership in 2 Corinthians 10-13 in Light of a Social Identity Approach to Leadership. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/8ZF68LA3


Narkowicz, Kasia ORCID logoORCID: and Pędziwiatr, Konrad (2017) Why are Polish people so wrong about Muslims in their country? Open Democracy.


Pitkänen, Pekka M A ORCID logoORCID: (2014) Ancient Israel and settler colonialism. Settler Colonial Studies, 4 (1). pp. 64-81. doi:10.1080/2201473X.2013.812944

Pitkänen, Pekka M A ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Humans and the fourth industrial revolution: Reading the world and the canonical word. Canon and Culture, 12 (2). pp. 5-44.

Pitkänen, Pekka M A ORCID logoORCID: (2010) Joshua. Apollos Old Testament Commentary, 6 . InterVarsity Press, Nottingham, UK. ISBN 9780830825066

Pitkänen, Pekka M A ORCID logoORCID: (2014) Pentateuch–Joshua: a settler-colonial document of a supplanting society. Settler Colonial Studies, 4 (3). pp. 245-276. doi:10.1080/2201473X.2013.842626

Pitkänen, Pekka M A ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Reading Genesis–Joshua as a Unified Document from an Early Date: A Settler Colonial Perspective. Biblical Theology Bulletin: Journal of Bible and Culture, 45 (1). pp. 3-31. doi:10.1177/0146107914564822

Pryor, Angus ORCID logoORCID: (2020) Book of Enoch. [Show/Exhibition]


Raphael, Melissa R ORCID logoORCID: (2014) A Patrimony of Idols: Second-Wave Jewish and Christian Feminist Theology and the Criticism of Religion. Sophia: International Journal of Philosophy and Tradition, 53 (2). pp. 241-259. doi:10.1007/s11841-014-0409-1

Roccia, Mariana ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Christianity and Anthropogenic Climate Change: A Broad Overview of the Catholic Church’s Response and Some Reflections for the Future. Religions, 15 (6). Art 690. doi:10.3390/rel15060690


Szeptycki, Charlotte (2016) Negotiating Earthly and Spiritual Duty: Female Martyrs and their Families in Tudor England. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.


Teakle, Josephine (2004) The works of Mary Birkett Card 1774-1817 originally collected by her son Nathaniel Card in 1834: an edited transcription with an introduction to her life and works in two volumes. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

Thompson, Andrew D. (2019) A Study of the Relationship between Ibadi Muslims and Christians in Modern day Oman. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/THWE4862

Turner, Carlton (2015) Overcoming Self-Negation: An Examination of the Relationship between Junkanoo and the Church in Contemporary Bahamian Society. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.


Vinson, Don (2014) Sports and Christianity: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 49 (2). pp. 251-255. doi:10.1177/1012690213507007


Watson, Nick J and Parker, Andrew ORCID logoORCID: (2014) Christianity, Sport and Disability: A Case Study of the Role of Long-Distance Running in the Life of a Father and his Son who is Congenitally Blind and has Profound Intellectual Disabilities. In: Sport, Religion and Disability. Routledge, London, pp. 217-234. ISBN 978-0415714150

Watson, Nick J (2012) Sports and Christianity (1850-2012) : an interdisciplinary analysis. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.


Young, Walter J. (1997) The Integrative Vision of a Pioneer Africanist: Edwin W Smith (1876 -1957). Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

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