Paterson, Craig ORCID:, Fryer, Simon M
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Jones, Martin I. and Parker, John K (2019) An Analysis of the Size and Direction of the Association between Mental Toughness and Olympic Distance Personal Best Triathlon Times. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 8 (1). pp. 71-76. doi:10.1016/j.jshs.2017.05.005
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Jones, Martin I. and Parker, John K (2018) Mindfulness mediates the relationship between mental toughness and pain catastrophizing in cyclists. European Journal of Sport Science, 18 (6). pp. 872-881. doi:10.1080/17461391.2018.1478450
Parker, John K, Huntsman, Angel and Lovell, Geoff P (2018) A Qualitative Examination of a Mothers' Swim Program: What Keeps Them Coming Back and How Does it Improve Their Psychological Wellbeing? International Journal of Women's Health and Wellness, 4 (1). pp. 1-8. doi:10.23937/2474-1353/1510066
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