Prevalence of depressive symptoms in university students from Germany, Denmark, Poland and Bulgaria

Mikolajczyk, Rafael T., Maxwell, Annette E., El Ansari, Walid, Naydenova, Vihra, Stock, Christiane, Ilieva, Snezhana, Dudziak, Urszula and Nagyova, Iveta (2008) Prevalence of depressive symptoms in university students from Germany, Denmark, Poland and Bulgaria. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 43 (2). pp. 105-112. doi:10.1007/s00127-007-0282-0

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BACKGROUND: Previous research indicated a higher prevalence of depressive symptoms among students from Eastern European countries than students from Western European countries. This difference was thought to be linked to political and economic instabilities resulting from political changes in the early 1990s. We investigated whether these differences persist 15 years later. METHODS: Using data from a general health survey among first year students (N = 2,651) from two Western (Germany and Denmark) and two Eastern European countries (Poland and Bulgaria), our analysis was restricted to 2,146 students below 23 years of age. Depressive symptoms were measured using the Modified Beck Depression Inventory (M-BDI). The recommended cut-off point of the M-BDI for depression screening in the general population is a score of > or =35. Perceived income sufficiency was measured on a four-point scale from "totally sufficient" to "not sufficient at all". Analysis of variance and logistic regression were performed to assess the differences in depressive symptoms between countries adjusting for income sufficiency. RESULTS: Depressive symptoms were more prevalent in Eastern European than Western European countries (M-BDI scores of > or =35 in Germany 26.7%/22.8%, in Denmark 24.9%/12.1%, in Poland 45.5%/27.3%, in Bulgaria 42.9%/33.8% for female and male students, respectively). There was an association between income perceived as insufficient and higher levels of depressive symptoms, but it did not differ across the countries. Adjusting for perceived income sufficiency had little effect on differences in the prevalence of depressive symptoms across countries. CONCLUSIONS: The difference in prevalence of depressive symptoms in university students from Eastern and Western European countries persists 15 years after political changes have taken place and cannot be explained by differences in perceived sufficiency of income.

Item Type: Article
Article Type: Article
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
Divisions: Schools and Research Institutes > School of Education and Science
Research Priority Areas: Health, Life Sciences, Sport and Wellbeing
Depositing User: Robin Thornett
Date Deposited: 18 Mar 2015 17:17
Last Modified: 31 Aug 2023 09:11

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