Enabling ecotourism: Principles, challenges and achievements from Tambopata, Peru

Hill, Jennifer ORCID: 0000-0002-0682-783X, Hill, Ross and de Sausmarez, Nicolette (2014) Enabling ecotourism: Principles, challenges and achievements from Tambopata, Peru. In: Rainforest Tourism, Conservation and Management Challenges for Sustainable Development. The Earthscan Forest Library . Routlege (Taylor and Francis), pp. 146-162. ISBN 9780415635820

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This chapter presents a case study of a single ecotourism initiative in Amazonian south-eastern Peru, analysing the operation of one of its lodges in detail (Posada Amazonas Lodge), and reflecting on the extent to which it can be considered a successful and sustainable ecotourism enterprise. Implicit in the term sustainability is a time element, so rather than providing a single snapshot of the venture, the case study has been carried out in two stages, five years apart. The objectives of the study are to: 1 outline key principles necessary to enable the successful achievement of ecotourism in a little developed rainforest region; 2 identify obstacles to the development and practice of ecotourism within such a region and examine the mechanisms that allow any such obstacles to be surmounted; 3 evaluate whether Rainforest Expeditions has successfully managed to balance the intricate relationship between ecotourism, environmental conservation and local community development through its operation of Posada Amazonas Lodge in the Tambopata rainforest; 4 monitor the progress of the initiative over a five-year period with particular reference to sustainable tourism development.

Item Type: Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords: Ecotourism; Sustainability; Commmunity-based development; Conservation; Peru; Rainforest expeditions; Posada Amazonas Lodge
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General) > G154.9 Travel and State. Tourism
Divisions: Professional Services > Academic Quality, Enhancement and Innovation
Research Priority Areas: Place, Environment and Community
Depositing User: Marta Kemp
Date Deposited: 29 Jan 2020 16:40
Last Modified: 01 Aug 2021 21:50
URI: https://eprints.glos.ac.uk/id/eprint/8034

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