Monckton-Smith, Jane ORCID:
Domestic homicide review of ‘Susan’.
Technical Report.
Cheltenham Strategic Leadership Group.
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Text (© Jane Monckton-Smith)
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I would like to begin this report by expressing my sincere sympathies, and that of the panel, with the family and friends of Susan who is remembered as a loving and caring mother and grandmother. Susan is remembered universally as a kind, gentle and fun loving person who is keenly missed. I am sorry for their loss and hope that in some way this report gives voice to Susan’s story. During the course of this review we have kept Susan’s photo visible at panel meetings, and we never forgot that she was a real and loved person. This report has considered the perspective and testimony of family equally alongside professional records to better understand what happened and to maximise learning, this is in line with Home Office guidance for the conduct of DHRs. The purpose of a Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) is to identify improvements which could be made to community and organisational responses to victims of domestic abuse, and hopefully to try and prevent a tragedy like this from ever happening again. I would like to thank the panel, and those who provided chronologies and Individual Management Reviews (IMRs), for their time, patience and cooperation. I would also like to thank members of Susan’s family for their contribution, and the time they gave to this review. The family have suffered terribly for many years and further suffering must be avoided wherever possible. For this reason the report author has excluded some information which may identify individuals, like specific dates, and detail of certain incidents, and some information the family would like to remain private. Susan and Peter are pseudonyms agreed with the family. It is considered by the Chair that Peter may still pose a risk to certain members of the family and further suffering must be avoided. It is important to remember that this homicide occurred in late 2013, and since this time there have been changes to some agency practices and procedures. Notably, there have been significant developments in the Police and Housing approaches to Domestic Abuse, and this should be considered when reading the chronology of events.
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