Baron, Steve, Harris, Kim and Davies, Barry J ORCID:
Oral participation in retail service delivery: a comparison of the roles of contact personnel and customers.
European Journal of Marketing, 30 (9).
pp. 75-90.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
Re-Imagining Metropolis and Wilderness: Margaret Atwood's Life Before Man, Cat's Eye,Death by Landscape.
London Journal of Canadian Studies, 12.
pp. 69-94.
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Five Page Editorial ‘Mijn Familie’.
Mijn Familie.
pp. 34-38.
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Illustrated Seven Page Editorial and short essay (by Richard Billingham), 'Richard Billingham'.
Camera Austria (55).
pp. 3-10.
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
New Photography 12, Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
New Work Exhibited in 'Photos Leurres, Mois de la Photo', Galerie de Jour Agnès B, Paris (10 November 1996 - 4 January 1997).
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic Work Exhibited at Galerie du Jour Agnès B, Paris (1996) curated by Martin Parr.
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic Work Exhibited in 'Full House - Young British Art', Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Germany, (14 December 1996 - 31 March 1997).
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic Work Exhibited in 'Herkunft?', Fotomuseum, Winterthur, (30 March - 27 May 1996) curated by Urs Stahel.
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic Work Exhibited in 'Life/Live', ARC, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, (5 October 1996 - 5 January 1997), curated by Hans-Ulrich Obrist and touring to Fundação das Descobertas, Centro Cultural de Belem, Lisboa, Portugal.
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Photographic Work Exhibited in 'Radical Images’, Second Austrian Triennal on Photography, Graz, Austria (15 June - 28 July 1996) curated by Werner Fenz und Reinhard Braun, touring to Museum of Contemporary Art, Szombathely, Hungary (10 September - 31 October 1996).
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Rays a Laugh, Photobook (hard back, 22 x 28cm, 96 pages).
Scalo, Zurich.
ISBN 9783908247371
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
'Richard Billingham', Solo Show, Portfolio Gallery, Edinburgh, 1996.
Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Solo Exhibition 'Richard Billingham', National Museum of Film, Photography and TV, Bradford, 1996.
Catherwood, Dianne F, Skoien, Petra, Green, Vanessa and Holt, Chris (1996) Assessing the primary moments in infant encoding of compound visual stimuli. Infant Behavior and Development, 19 (1). pp. 1-11. doi:10.1016/S0163-6383(96)90039-9
Dwyer, Janet C ORCID: and Hodge, Ian
Countryside in trust : land management by conservation, recreation and amenity organisations.
ISBN 0471948713; 0471948713 (hbk : alk. paper):
Ilic, Melanie J ORCID:
“Generals Without Armies, Commanders Without Troops”: Gorbachev’s “Protection” of Female Workers.
Women in Russia and Ukraine.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 228-240.
ISBN 9780521498722
Ilic, Melanie J ORCID:
Women Workers in the Soviet Mining Industry: A Case Study of Labour Protection.
Europe-Asia Studies, 48 (8).
pp. 1387-1401.
Jennings, Ros ORCID:
Desire and Design: Ripley undressed’.
Immortal invisible: lesbians and the moving image.
Routledge, London, pp. 193-206.
ISBN 978-0415107259
MacLean, Malcolm ORCID:
‘Public History: A Cheap Chronicle for an Imagined Public?’.
CQU Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies.
MacLean, Malcolm ORCID:
The silent centre: Where are pakeha in biculturalism?
Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 10 (1).
pp. 108-120.
McLoughlin, Nigel F ORCID:
Just a Shade and Overgrown.
Ruttle, Kate, Brown, Richard and Hayward, Niki (1996) One Blue Hen: Colour Rhymes. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521498234
Sanders, Mark and Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Six Page Editorial ‘Ray’s a Laugh’.
Dazed and Confused (22).
pp. 60-65.
von Uslar, Moritz and Billingham, Richard ORCID:
Eight Page Editorial 'Meine Eltern'.
Meine Eltern (25).
pp. 10-19.
Wolffsohn, James S, Edgar, Graham K ORCID: and McBrien, Neville A
The effects of viewing modality and positioning of a car head-up display (HUD) on response times.
Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 16 (3).
pp. 253-254.
Wood, Clare Patricia (1996) Natural speech segmentation and literacy. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.