Moore, Helen ORCID:
‘Rising in and for our life-source, Earth’,
ecopoetry as engaged, embodied, co-created expression of
ecocentric consciousness.
PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
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Leto, Mario Alfonso (2022) Stories of Veganism: An Ecolinguistic Analysis. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/9TW5NL24
Pallant, Cheryl (2021) Somatic writing: a collection of articles, nonfiction and poetry on the body in motion. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/TR42LE68
Perrins, Edward (2019) The search for new stories to live by: a positive discourse analysis of Christian Environmentalism & Druidry. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/ODGK6795
Ellyat, Lauren (2011) An analysis of the representation of animals in World Wide Fund discourse. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Phillips, Morgan Hope (2008) Micro and Macro Approaches to Environmental Education. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.