Baldwin, Deborah (1999) Experiencing heritage : making sense of industrial heritage tourism. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Barnes, Michael (2021) Hampshire Militia: 1625 – 1640. Defaulters, Defaulting and Defaults. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/4HM8U6L2
Barton, Graham J (2015) The Rôle of Supply-Chains in the Development of Cross-Channel Exchange in the Romano-British Period. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Baud, Hannah (2003) Lady Laura Ridding (1849-1939): the life and service of a bishop's wife. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
“Angel Makers”: Recent True Crime Stories of Baby Farming.
In: True Crime: Fact, Fiction, Ideology, 7 June 2014, Manchester.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
“I Stand Out Like a Raven”: The Female Detective and Tudor History in Nancy Bilyeau’s The Crown.
Contemporary Crime Fiction: Crossing Boundaries, Merging Genres.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 39-60.
ISBN 9781527564060
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
“I stand out like a raven”: Female Detection and the Tudor Period in Nancy Bilyeau’s Crime Fiction.
In: Representing the Tudors: An Interdisciplinary Conference, 10-11 July 2015, University of South Wales.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
Intersectionality and Decolonisation in Contemporary British Crime Fiction.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
ISBN 9781527591585
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
“Life Was a State in Which a War Was On”: A. S. Byatt’s Portrayal of War and Norse Mythology in Ragnarok: The End of the Gods.
War, Myths and Fairy Tales.
Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 195-218.
ISBN 9789811026836
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
Objects and Subjects: Exploring Representations of Amelia Dyer and Victorian Baby Farming Through True Crime Texts and Material History.
In: Criminal Heritage: Crime, Fiction, and History, 5 September 2017, Leeds Beckett University.
Beyer, Charlotte ORCID:
True Crime and Baby Farming: Representing Amelia Dyer.
Human, 5.
pp. 101-117.
Brown, Oliver (2021) British Right-Wing Anti-semitism, 1918-1930. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/HS65LM41
Carpenter, Simon (2019) Gurney, Howells and Novello in context: Sir Herbert Brewer and his articled pupils at Gloucester Cathedral. Local Historian, 49 (3). pp. 207-220.
Carpenter, Simon (2019) Ivor Gurney and Sir Herbert Brewer: A misunderstood relationship? Ivor Gurney Society Journal, 24. pp. 10-22.
Carpenter, Simon (2018) An evaluation of the teaching career of Sir Herbert Brewer (Organist of Gloucester Cathedral, 1896 – 1928) with particular reference to his articled pupils. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Carter, Thomas (2016) Museums and Englishness: The Failure to Establish a National Museum in Twentieth Century England. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Clifford, Peter (2024) “Ilegant Natives of Erin”: The Irish in Cheltenham 1801-1861. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire. doi:10.46289/8P4C52VU
Deeks, Roger ORCID:
Fredrick Claude Pensom.
Deeks, Roger ORCID: and Baldwin, William
William Baldwin.
Deeks, Roger ORCID: and Bassett, Robert
Bob Bassett: collier.
Deeks, Roger ORCID: and Gunter, Ivy
Ivy Gunter: Domestic Service, Farming, Housekeeping.
Deeks, Roger ORCID: and Orpin, James
James Orpin.
Deeks, Roger ORCID: and Teague, Meryl
Meryl Teague: Office Administrator, Payroll, Book Keeping.
Ferry, Emma ORCID:
Craft, Community and the Material Culture of Place and Politics, 19th--20th Century.
Journal of Modern Craft, 8 (3).
pp. 407-411.
Ferry, Emma ORCID:
Home and away: domesticity and empire in the work of Lady Barker.
Women's history magazine (54).
pp. 4-12.
France, Angela ORCID:
Finding Poetry in the Archives: Working with historical Documents.
Artemis Poetry (17).
Fraser, Stuart (2003) Exiled from glory: Anglo-Indian settlement in nineteenth-century Britain, with special reference to Cheltenham. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
French, Anna L (2015) Children of Wrath: Possession, Prophecy and the Young in Early Modern England. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781472443670
French, Anna L (2008) Possession, Puritanism and Prophecy: Child Demoniacs and English Reformed Culture. Reformation, 13 (1). pp. 133-161. doi:10.1558/refm.v13.133
French, Anna L (2013) Raising Christian children in early modern England: Salvation, education and the family. Theology, 116 (2). pp. 93-102. doi:10.1177/0040571X12468990
Gaskell, Peter ORCID:
Historic Farm Buildings: Extending the Evidence Base.
English Heritage, London, UK.
Goodwin-Hawkins, Bryonny ORCID: and Dawson, Andrew
Care and the afterlives of industrial moralities in postindustrial Northern England.
Australian Journal of Anthropology, 29 (2).
pp. 222-236.
Hamilton, Alexander Graham (2009) A gracious touch of strangeness :What do Charles Spooner's Churches and surviving architectural drawings tell us about his ambitions as an artist, his intentions as an architect, and his beliefs both as a Christian and an Arts and Crafts practitioner? Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Harrison, Nigel and Robertson, Iain J (2018) Beyond Portmeirion: The Architecture, Planning and Protests of Clough Williams-Ellis. In: Rural Modernity in Britain: A Critical Intervention. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 187-206. ISBN 1474420958
Howell, David ORCID:
Contemporising Custom: the re-imagining of the Mari Lwyd.
International Journal of Intangible Heritage, 13.
pp. 66-79.
Howell, David ORCID:
Expanding heritage horizons through the Cheltenham: A diaspora project.
Present Pasts, 10 (1).
pp. 1-12.
Howell, David ORCID:
Selection and Deselection of the National Narrative: Approaches to Heritage through Devolved Politics in Wales.
Heritage and Tourism in Britain and Ireland.
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 161-176.
ISBN 9781137520821
Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID:
Book Review: Salvador Ryan and Clodagh Tait, eds. Religion and Politics in Urban Ireland, c. 1500-c. 1750: Essays in Honour of Colm Lennon.
British Catholic History, 33 (4).
pp. 650-3.
Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID:
Brexit paradox revealed by imperial past of word British.
Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID:
Brexit reveals how hollow notion of British nation is.
Irish Times.
Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID:
Calvinism, Reform and the Absolutist State in Elizabethan Ireland.
ISBN 9781138053090
Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID:
Catholic ‘conscience’, duty and disputes over English liberties in Jacobean Ireland.
History of European Ideas, 47 (1).
pp. 38-57.
Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID:
The Emergence of the State in Elizabethan Ireland and England, c. 1575-99.
The Sixteenth Century Journal, 45 (3).
pp. 659-682.
Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID:
Henry A. Jefferies. The Irish Church and the Tudor Reformations.
Renaissance Quarterly, 65 (4).
pp. 1263-4.
Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID:
An Irish Perspective of Elizabeth's Religion: reformation thought and Henry Sidney's Irish lord deputyship, c. 1560 to 1580.
Elizabeth I and Ireland.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 142-162.
ISBN 9781107040878
Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID:
Kingdom and Colony: the dual contexts of the Irish lord deputyship in the sixteenth-century.
Les alter ego des souverains. Vice-rois et lieutenants généraux en Europe et dans les Amériques (xive-xviie siècle).
Presses de l’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, pp. 203-241.
ISBN 2353111149
Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID:
Re-landscaping Early Modern Ireland (Work reviewed: John Patrick Montano, The Roots of English Colonialism in Ireland. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2011).
Irish Review, 47.
pp. 133-35.
Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID:
Reason of State, Stände, and Estates in German and English Exchanges over the Crisis in the Palatinate, 1618–24.
Renaissance Quarterly, 77 (1).
pp. 215-257.
Hutchinson, Mark A ORCID:
A genealogy of the term British reveals its imperial history – and a Brexit paradox.
Jameson, Joan Dorothy (2006) Broadweaving families and their access to land in the Gloucestershire parish of Bisley. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Jarman, Rob ORCID:, Hazell, Z, Campbell, G, Webb, Julia C
ORCID: and Chambers, Frank M
Sweet Chestnut (Castanea Sativa Mill.) in Britain: Re-assessment of its Status as a Roman Archaeophyte.
Britannia, 50.
pp. 49-74.
Miles, Cyril and Griffiths, Jason ORCID:
Cyril Miles ex-collier Forest of Dean.
Morrisroe, Vicky L ORCID:
Sanguinary Amusement: E.A. Freeman, the Comparative Method and Victorian Theories of Race.
Modern Intellectual History, 10 (1).
pp. 27-56.
Murray, Matthew ORCID:
Made in Britain - Contemporary British Photography, Huis Marseille/Fotografie Museum, Amsterdam, Holland.
O'Connell, Christian ORCID:
The British ‘Bluesman’
Paul Oliver and the Nature of Transatlantic Blues Scholarship.
PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
O'Connell, Christian ORCID:
Legacies of Slavery in Gloucester. Project Decolonising Gloucestershire.
[Film / Video]
O'Connell, Christian ORCID:
‘Poor, Proud and Pretty’
Community History and the Challenge of Heritage in ‘Darkest’ Cheltenham.
International Journal of Regional and Local History, 15 (1).
pp. 48-69.
O'Connell, Christian ORCID:, Howell, David
ORCID: and Kidd, Matthew
Lower High Street Exhibition.
O'Connell, Christian ORCID:, Unit 1 Films and Cotswold Centre for History and Heritage
Cheltenham's Lower High Street: Past, Present and Future.
[Film / Video]
Peters, Erin ORCID:
Commemoration and Oblivion in Royalist Print Culture, 1658-1667.
Palgrave Studies in the History of the Media
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
ISBN 9783319504742
Peters, Erin ORCID:
L’objet de moquerie le plus colossal et le plus honteux du monde: récits de la honte nationale en 1660.
Dix-septième siècle, vol. 275, no. 2 Raconter les Révoltes et Révolutions dans L'Europe du xviie Siècle.
Dix-septième siècle, 275
Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, pp. 269-284.
ISBN 9782130788041
Peters, Erin ORCID:
Remembering the Civil Wars: Royalist Print Culture in Early Restoration England.
Commemoration and Oblivion in Royalist Print Culture, 1658-1667.
Palgrave Studies in the History of the Media
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-17.
ISBN 9783319504742
Peters, Erin ORCID:
Trauma Narratives of the English Civil War.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies, 16 (1).
pp. 78-94.
Peters, Erin ORCID:
'The deep staines these Wars will leave behind': psychological wounds and curative methods in the English Civil Wars.
Battle-scarred: Mortality, medical care and military welfare in the British Civil Wars.
Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 156-173.
ISBN 9781526124807
Randall, Vicky ORCID:
History, Empire, and Islam: E. A. Freeman and Victorian Public Morality.
Studies in Imperialism
Manchester University Press, Manchester.
ISBN 9781526135810
Randall, Vicky ORCID:
Orientalism, Islam, and Eroticism: Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton and the Arabian Nights.
Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literature, 139.
pp. 1-17.
Robertson, Iain J (2013) Landscapes of Protest in the Scottish Highlands after 1914. Studies in Historical Geography . Ashgate. ISBN 978-1472411372
Robertson, Iain J and Webster, David R (2017) People of the croft: visualising land, heritage and identity. Cultural Geographies, 24 (2). pp. 311-318. doi:10.1177/1474474016659235
Sparkes, Alan M (2007) The Evolution of Gloucester’s Government: A.D. 96 -1835. Gloucestershire History, 21. pp. 8-15.
Sparkes, Alan M (2005) The Municipal Corporation of Gloucester: its Composition, Structure and Functions During the Early Nineteenth Century. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Sparkes, Alan M (2002) Nineteenth Century Clock and Watchmakers in Southgate Street Gloucester: A Preliminary Enquiry. Gloucestershire History, 16. pp. 2-8.
Sparkes, Alan M (2007) The Reform of Gloucester’s Municipal Corporation in 1835. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 125. pp. 311-329.
Taylor, Robert (2012) A study of the origins and development of Great War Memorials in the County of Gloucestershire (1917-1933). Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Thomson, Kate and Wire, Tracey ORCID:
Take one day: undertaking an in-depth local enquiry.
Primary History, 87.
pp. 34-38.
White, Robert W (2009) Local Government in a North Cotswold Parish-Winchcombe in the Late 18th. and Early 19th. Centuries. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Whitney, Charles E. (2018) Volunteering for World War I: A Case Study of Influences and Values on Young Men as Evident from a School Magazine. Masters thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Woolgar, Tereza (2012) Exploring public and private versions of WW2 memory : memory, identity, ideology and propaganda in relation to the representations of the Czech RAF airmen. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Yates, Bridget E (2010) Volunteer-run Museums in English Market Towns and Villages. PhD thesis, University of Gloucestershire.
Zinder, Paul ORCID:
[Film / Video]