Exploring the combined impact of Project Portfolio Construction and steering on project portfolio performance

He, Hailong (2017) Exploring the combined impact of Project Portfolio Construction and steering on project portfolio performance. DBA thesis, University of Gloucestershire.

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In recent years, project portfolio management (PPM) has received increased attention from both academics and practitioners. However, the development of the discipline is still in its infancy stage, and many aspects of PPM are still less understood. One particularly intriguing and important stream of research is con­cerned with the critical performance factors and the way in which they influence the overall project portfolio performance. Empirical evidence suggests that both the periodic project portfolio construction (PPC) and the continuous project portfolio steering (PPS) are positively associ­ated with project portfolio performance (PPP). Nevertheless, the question of 'how' has yet to be answered. To address this gap, this study set out to explore the way in which PPC and PPS could contribute to the PPP at an operational­ised level. This study is dedicated to theory development by adopting the social constructionist approach. An investigation through the lens of General Systems Theory was carried out in the form of a single in-depth case study within a Ger­man construction machinery OEM. Qualitative data was collected and subse­quently analysed by using thematic analysis. The findings suggest that the four performance dimensions could be influenced by the eight essential elements of PPC and PPS. Their collaborative contribu­tions to PPP appear to be indirect and mediated through an additional theoreti­cal construct, i.e., project portfolio management capability. Based on the find­ings, the conceptualisation of the four theoretical constructs are determined and integrated into one visual framework to illustrate the associations at an opera­tionalised level. This study has partially addressed the identified gaps in the existing body of knowledge. The contribution is multi-fold. It contributes to the existing knowledge by providing a more complete and comprehensive framework that incorporates both the periodic and continuous notion of project portfolio management. The contribution to practice lies in its practical relevance, which offers the organisa­tions a structured framework that could be used to systematically identify the gaps in their portfolio performance, determine the possible areas of improve­ment, and develop courses of action in related areas.

Item Type: Thesis (DBA)
Additional Information: A print copy of this thesis is available for reference use only.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Project portfolio construction; Project portfolio steering; Project portfolio performance; German construction machinery case study
Related URLs:
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD2321 Industry
H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management > HD58 Organizational behavior, change and effectiveness. Corporate culture
Divisions: Schools and Research Institutes > School of Business, Computing and Social Sciences
Depositing User: Susan Turner
Date Deposited: 18 Feb 2022 16:45
Last Modified: 18 Feb 2022 16:45
URI: https://eprints.glos.ac.uk/id/eprint/10731

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