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Research Article

Forgotten edible heritage: the case study of the UNESCO Site of Akbarieh Garden in Iran

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Published online: 28 Jun 2022


Persian gardens have been an essential component of Iranian urban and architectural history for almost 2500 years. Persian gardens continued to provide provisioning services (i.e. food production) until the twentieth century when their status and role switched from productive to ornamental gardens. In this study, we conducted interviews and field surveys in a Persian garden in eastern Iran to understand how the use of edible plants has changed since the end of the 1970s. Although the production function is not the primary role of this garden, the results demonstrate that numerous edible species have been reintroduced. In addition, the marketing and branding of the fruits cultivated in the garden could be a source of income for the garden’s maintenance. From an ethnobotanical and germplasm conservation point of view, this garden features key cultivars and plants that have been used in traditional Iranian medicine.

Disclosure statement

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

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The project did not receive any funding.

Notes on contributors

Mohammad Reza Khalilnezhad

Mohammad Reza Khalilnezhad holds a PhD degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of Kaiserslautern (TUKL), Germany. He has been a faculty member at the University of Birjand (UoB), Birjand, Iran, for over 10 years. Most of his research in the field of urban agriculture for Iran emphasises the role of Persian gardens. He is one of the first Iranian researchers to deal with urban agriculture and the development of productive urban landscape in Iran from the perspective of landscape planning and landscape architecture and has published several papers in Persian and English in this field.

Alessio Russo

Alessio Russo is Senior Lecturer and Academic Course Leader in MA Landscape Architecture at the University of Gloucestershire, UK. Before joining the University of Gloucestershire, he was an Associate Professor (2018) at RUDN University in Moscow, Russia. He has worked as a Professor and Head of Laboratory of Urban and Landscape Design (2016-2018) at the Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok, Russia. Outside of academia, Dr Russo has worked as a Landscape Architect in the UK, Italy and the UAE, dealing with sustainable design and planning.

Mohammad Ali Jannatifar

Mohammad Ali Jannatifar is the master expert in restoration of the Persian gardens in Iran. He is a senior engineer and supervisor of garden restoration projects in the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Iran. He is a member of the specialised team for managing and directing the historical gardens of South Khorasan province in eastern Iran.

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