
This page presents various tools useful to academics who are engaging with the publishing process and others that take you through the process of depositing your publications in the Research Repository.

Research Repository Instructional Materials

  1. Research Repository: depositing Articles to meet the REF 2021 Open Access Policy Requirements (video).
  2. Uploading your Journal Article onto the Research Repository (process as a list).
  3. Non Compliant Journals by REF Panel

Selecting a Journal

  • Select the most suitable (audience and quality) journal for the content of the article: is it a journal that attracts authors who will read and cite your work in subsequent publications? It is important to consider stakeholder requirements. Is the research funded? Does the research funder require/mandate OA publication or specify a particular OA license? Is the article likely to be included in UoG's next REF submission? If so, ensure that you meet the current REF OA criteria for the Unit of Assessment your work is assigned to. Use the Open Access Flow Chart to guide your decision on where to publish. The flow chart contains links to web tools allowing you to verify whether or not your chosen publication will meet the research funder's requirements. The Flow Chart also supports publication decisions for unfunded research articles that will be submitted to the next REF.
  • SciMago provides a searchable database of journals with subject and country filters. There is also a SJR (Scimago Journal Ranking) based on citations data up to and including 2021.
  • Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) Academic Journal Guide provides a PDF list of journals included at editors discretion, ranking is based on metrics and expert peers. Register (free) to view later versions of the ABS Academic Journal Guide online.
  • The University of Gloucestershire Open Access policy requires you to deposit your publications in full text to meet the REF2021 Open Access compliance requirements, check which journals in your subject area have open access policies that permit this. Many publishers now permit self-archiving and public distribution of peer reviewed manuscripts via institutional repositories. The Research Repository Team will check publisher's terms and conditions prior to distributing versions of publications.
  • Sherpa/RoMEO is a searchable database of publishers' open access policies.

If the journal you published with is not listed on Sherpa RoMEO go to the publisher's web site and look for their open access or self-archiving policy. If you cannot find the policy information then contact their permissions office. Look for permissions under 'contact us' or contact enquiries.

  • Sherpa/Juliet is a searchable database of major research funders' open access policies. Use Sherpa/Juliet if you received funding for your research and the funding contract included a requirement to publish in an open access journal or distribute the research via an open access repository.

Authors planning to submit journal articles (or conference papers published in conference proceedings with an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)) should verify that any publishers' embargo does not exceed the permitted maximum for the Main REF Panel for their subject discipline. The maximum embargo for Main REF Panels A and B (STEM) is 12 months and for Main REF Panels C and D (Social Sciences and Humanities) the maximum embargo permitted is 24 months from the date of acceptance. After 1st April 2016, authors who publish in journals with embargoes that exceed the stated Main REF Panel maximum will not be able to include these articles in the REF 2021 submission unless they can claim it falls within one of the HEFCE exceptions. REF 2021 Units of Assessment gives the Main REF Panel for each subject.

Research Funder's Identity Requirements

  • OrcID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher with the same name and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized and correctly attributed. You should have only one OrcID and some funders and publishers may require you to include your OrcID with your metadata (bibliographic details) when applying for funds or submitting work for publication. The University encourages academic staff to have an OrcID. if you wish, you can register individually. This leaflet explains how OrcIDs are used.

Researcher profiles, visibility and rankings

  • Researcher profiles, visibility and rankings. helps you to capitalise on your research impact and the visibility of your research outputs by establishing an ORCID, a Scopus profile, ResearcherID and Google Scholar identifiers. Link them together to create a powerful tool to raise your professional profile and visibility.

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)

  • An ISBN uniquely identifies each edition and version of a book eg hard cover, paperback, ebook, spiral bound, etc. The ISBN is a 13 digit number and is used to distinguish between versions when cataloguing, buying or selling, and requesting inter-library loans. To request an ISBN for your in house publications or research reports contact the LTI administrator.
  • Email the LTI Administrator: Send Mail

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

    A DOI is a unique, permanent and stable document identifier. DOIs are used by publishers to facilitate the location and management of digital objects such as electronic journal articles. Some universities and many publishers now use DOIs to assist with the increasingly complex workflows involved in publishing and disseminating research. Organisations that mint their own DOIs can easily track their outputs. A practical reason for using DOIs is to optimise the future discoverability of digital publications by preventing the problem of broken web links. UoG creates DOIs for in-house publications, theses and datasets. Email to request a DOI for an in-house publication or dataset Send Mail. DOIs will automatically be created by the Repository team for theses. To convert a DOI into a URL simply append it to a doi resolver eg followed by the DOI number leaving no spaces.

Measuring Impact using Bibliometrics

  • Impact - Bibliometrics - Google Scholar Citations - Impact Points

    Google Scholar Citations are based on publications searched by Google Scholar and so include a greater number than Researchgate or an individual database. You will need a Google account. Add any missing publications yourself to complete your publishing output profile.

  • Impact - Bibliometrics - Researchgate Impact Points

    Researchgate citations are based on publications in the Researchgate database and may not be exhaustive. You will need a Researchgate account. Add all of your publications to complete your research profile. Find out more about how RG and H-Index scores are calculated from the Help Center.

Open Access Policies

University Of Gloucestershire

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